Where are Sabo, Dragon , Law and Kid now ?? Sorry Strawhat pirates will play bigger role when story end .Dont worry story will set them up you just watch .
But I'm not doing that. It just a fact that Sanji usually fight someone weaker from the same faction that Zoro is fighting. Mr 1/Mr 2, Kaku/Jabra, King/Queen
that's why I said without an outright strength hierarchy between them then Sanji is not fighting 1 since all of them seem to be equal and strength and authority
yeah and ill hate it if Luffy gets carried again in his last fight, he needs to deal with imu 1 v 1 and I cant picture Dragon losing the 1st time he tries to do something
Where are Sabo, Dragon , Law and Kid now ?? Sorry Strawhat pirates will play bigger role when story end .Dont worry story will set them up you just watch .
yeah and ill hate it if Luffy gets carried again in his last fight, he needs to deal with imu 1 v 1 and I cant picture Dragon losing the 1st time he tries to do something
Not convinced that all out current Zoro is weaker than Borsalino/Issho/Aramaki TBH.
I won't place him as an equal to Shanks, but I do think he can go toe to toe with the Admirals (unless Borsalino has been severely holding back throughout this arc).
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