One Piece Chapter 1110; "THE PLANETS/ STARS DESCEND"

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You think we're getting Jinbei vs Mars? At least a clash?
I think we’ll get Jinbe vs Topman
He’s the fattest and tanktest of them all
Sanji vs Mars would be awesome because we would get a sky battle
I already pointed this out
Luffy vs Ju Peter - Battle of number 1's
Zoro vs Nusjuro - Battle of number 2's
Jinbe vs Topman - Battle of number 3's
Sanji vs Mars - Battle of number 4's
Franky vs Saturn - Battle of number 5's

I think Oda did this intentionally
perfect match ups

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Their order in strength is by order of the planets lol topman is number 1. His literal name is also, topman lol
I love how it took me this long to consider the idea that Ju Peter is the strongest, just because he's clearly not an old man like the rest of them.

My guess is that Imu makes a new Gorosei everytime he finds Law's Fruit, but since the Immortality Operation kills the person who performs it, the Fruit would then reincarnate somewhere else.
They were all introduced simultaneously. And until we’re told there’s a difference in strength there’s not really any reason to assume one’s a tier or so above any other.
I think they have different strengths and weaknesses and are balanced like the Starter Pokémon
but Oda could prove us wrong
Edit: or they’re slightly stronger than each other but still in the same league


The WG will fall after the SHs reached Laughtale.

It makes zero sense otherwise, since they learn all about the Void Century, Ancient Kingdom, Will of D, Ancient Weapons etc. on Laughtale according to Roger/Oden/Rayleigh.

Why on earth should the guys so closely tied to all the Void Century lore (Imu, Gorosei) fall before the SHs actually learn about it?
When does CG fall, if they're supposed to replace the WG? When does Mihawk play his role as Zoro's endgame match up?

How can Shanks reveal his ties to Mariejois, Garling, and God Valley, if he dies by BB's hand before Laughtale?

When do the Revos play their hand? When do we get the activation of all Ancient Weapons?

* * *

IMO, these following chapters, with VP's reveal, will already jumpstart a series of riots and revolutions all throughout the WG, slowly diminishing the WG's influence and strength.

The SHs will be tailed by Marines to the next island, whatever this may be, and we'll get the Void Century lore before Laughtale--the OP won't give the SHs intel about what happened to the AK (at least not entirely), but will give them the means to remake the AK.

That's what the war WB talked about will deal with: what kind of world to create next.

On one hand you'll have BB, having replaced Imu as King of the World, this time out in the open, no longer a secret, wanting a Darwinian, anarchic-like society, where the strong get everything they want. On the other hand, you'll get the good nations, led by Alabasta's Vivi, who want a world united by peace. Luffy will both defeat BB and give Vivi's side the OP with which to bring back the level of technological advancement and the eco-sensitive bullshit the AK reached before its collapse.

Luffy is not a political leader, nor does he care about the weapons. He'll only obtain the means and know-how for the future 20 kings to remake the world as one, once BB is forever dealt with, long past Imu's fall.
When does CG fall, if they're supposed to replace the WG? When does Mihawk play his role as Zoro's endgame match up?

How can Shanks reveal his ties to Mariejois, Garling, and God Valley, if he dies by BB's hand before Laughtale?

When do the Revos play their hand? When do we get the activation of all Ancient Weapons?

* * *

IMO, these following chapters, with VP's reveal, will already jumpstart a series of riots and revolutions all throughout the WG, slowly diminishing the WG's influence and strength.

The SHs will be tailed by Marines to the next island, whatever this may be, and we'll get the Void Century lore before Laughtale--the OP won't give the SHs intel about what happened to the AK (at least not entirely), but will give them the means to remake the AK.

That's what the war WB talked about will deal with: what kind of world to create next.

On one hand you'll have BB, having replaced Imu as King of the World, this time out in the open, no longer a secret, wanting a Darwinian, anarchic-like society, where the strong get everything they want. On the other hand, you'll get the good nations, led by Alabasta's Vivi, who want a world united by peace. Luffy will both defeat BB and give Vivi's side the OP with which to bring back the level of technological advancement and the eco-sensitive bullshit the AK reached before its collapse.

Luffy is not a political leader, nor does he care about the weapons. He'll only obtain the means and know-how for the future 20 kings to remake the world as one, once BB is forever dealt with, long past Imu's fall.
Cross Guild fall - The final war. Whitebeards words tell us that when the One Piece is found the world will be flipped upside down. Cross Guild, who currently represent the underworld (literally working alongside the underworld emperors) rise to the top as the World Government falls literally turning the world upside down and will be completed with Buggy as King of the World.

Shanks - Shanks’ connection will be established end of Egghead when he appears. When that happens he’ll mention what they were talking about on Mariejoa, likely an alliance against Blackbeard, which will lead to Shanks’ war against Blackbeard especially now as the Gorosei sees that Blackbeard stole the seraphim and have the ability to take Saturns form. Shanks loses and Blackbeard will use Puddings power to look into shanks memories and find the fourth poneglyph.

Revs - The revs will meet the Straw Hats in Elbaf where the World Government will dispatch the gorosei holy knights and Akainu to in order to kill Luffy, destroy Oharas knowledge once and for all, and kill the giants. (Think Native Hunting Competition)