One Piece Chapter 1110; "THE PLANETS/ STARS DESCEND"

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The WG will fall after the SHs reached Laughtale.
For a moment there I thought you meant WorstGen and I was like "makes sense, the forum dedicated to OP will probably die because OP will be no more, well, at least not in it's original state" :suresure:

But as for WG as world government in OP, tbh it actually makes sense to have them dethroned even before Laugh Tale for reasons you've mentioned - the shocking truth will be revealed, Revos will finally do something useful, etc.

Because if they fall, it doesn't mean we'll get a new leader right away, there will be chaos and meanwhile Luffy can face off BB to become a PK.
Someone tell me where is Kaku and Seraphim ?
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Sabo was able to escape from Gorosie and Imu Sama.
Luffy is stronger than Sabo.
Luffy should be able to defeat Gorosie then.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I think we’ll get Jinbe vs Topman
He’s the fattest and tanktest of them all
Sanji vs Mars would be awesome because we would get a sky battle
I already pointed this out
I think Luffy will go down pretty soon, we've got a lot of him fighting, and we'll get:

V. Nusjuro vs Zoro (V. Nusjuro and Zoro are from Wano, Wano is the Land of Gold, Ethanbaron is the God of Finance)

Ju Peter vs Sanji (God of Agriculture, I think the Vinsmokes were once Celestial Dragons that left like Doffy's family)

Mars vs Jinbei (Fish vs Bird, Sky vs Sea. FIshmen have always yearned to live above the surface, Mars is a bird who can fly freely anywhere. Jinbei is a literal fish in a series that's incredibly ocean focused, Mars in the God of Environment, most of the One Piece world's environment is the Ocean)

Warcury vs the Giants because I think he'll fight Sabo in the end game (Warcury's forehead mark is a burn from a former Mero Mero user IMO)

Saturn vs the Ancient Robot and Franky (already got a bit of this, I believe Saturn is from Vegapunk's Island, Karakuri, that Franky studied at, and also was responsible for the creation of the Ancient Robot, in the sense he forced a scientist, like Vegapunk, to turn a giant into a robot. Hopefully the Giants recognize the Ancient Robot)

York will order the Seraphim to attack the Gorosei soon, too, and I think Bonney and Kuma will end up fighting in Nika forms, too.
Is this the first time that Oda has cut away to another area without showing Zoro's opponent being downed, after his finisher? Usually when he gives Zoro the win, he makes sure the entire thing is focused on Zoro. He never cuts away, and gives the spotlight to someone else. (Dory and Brogy)

Also, is Ju Peter really decapitated and dead? Highly doubt it. Suspicious that those two scenes are back to back.
Not when ots a fodder :kayneshrug:
Is this the first time that Oda has cut away to another area without showing Zoro's opponent being downed, after his finisher? Usually when he gives Zoro the win, he makes sure the entire thing is focused on Zoro. He never cuts away, and gives the spotlight to someone else. (Dory and Brogy)

Also, is Ju Peter really decapitated and dead? Highly doubt it. Suspicious that those two scenes are back to back.
It's the first time it's happened post-ts not sure about pre-ts tho
Zoro and Sanji is my favorite dynamic in one piece. They have a unique way of showing their love for each other Sanji telling Zoro to stop playing with Lucci and finish it already. They may bicker but when it come down to it they respect and have high expectation for each other.


also Zoro hype to fight Nusjuto both using cold attacks, while Zoro primarily also has been use flamed attacks since PH and Nusjuros Yoko form is based of a burning death.

Zoro about to take a black blade for himself while making Enma and Wado into black blades. 🤣

Lanji fans I feel sorry for you the best you got was confirmation that judges experiments on Sanji were actually effective overall and he’s been a hack the whole time with his role being to carry around a dead Vegapunk…


-loro used koh against 1hp lucci for 18 chapters
-had to use new strongest KOH attack against 1hp lucci
-lost sword as a sword
-loro confirmed fodder bum too :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
Zoro just made that attack up on the fly which was a play off of luccis own attack…..

sorry your favorite character doesn’t show any signs of advanced haki CoA or any sliver of any kingly ambitions.

the best Lanji can come up with is finding all blue it’s why not even iva-Chan actually trained him….


also Zoro hype to fight Nusjuto both using cold attacks, while Zoro primarily also has been use flamed attacks since PH and Nusjuros Yoko form is based of a burning death.

Zoro about to take a black blade for himself while making Enma and Wado into black blades. 🤣

Lanji fans I feel sorry for you the best you got was confirmation that judges experiments on Sanji were actually effective overall and he’s been a hack the whole time with his role being to carry around a dead Vegapunk…
i dont think zoro will take his blade cause it's a 2 handed sword, also he won't throw sandai because it contains the dream of the guy who sold it to him
The WG will fall after the SHs reached Laughtale.

It makes zero sense otherwise, since they learn all about the Void Century, Ancient Kingdom, Will of D, Ancient Weapons etc. on Laughtale according to Roger/Oden/Rayleigh.

Why on earth should the guys so closely tied to all the Void Century lore (Imu, Gorosei) fall before the SHs actually learn about it?

It doesn't diminish it.

But the Gorosei showing their forms here doesn't diminish the chances of Imu & Co. either.

I think it will be a combination of both BB pirates and Imu/WG.
I'm 100% Stannis