Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Its sad but it is what it is. Zoro been stuck fighting Lucci for ages, Jimbei doing nothing, Sanji just running around and the rest of the crew is just there.

Meanwhile Luffy is fighting everyone and their mother, and now the Giants are helping him instead of his crew.
I wonder if Oda thought everyone was pissed at Wano for focusing on SHs so made an arc where he just made every side character in existence start fighting each other and it tuned out to be even worse
I know hes feeling sad right now but I dont want him to betray the World Government. He made him choice. He couldve let them escape but he choose to impale Vegapunk with his sword.
For what he knew, Vegapunk was a criminal. He didn't do because he wanted, as he himself said.

Now he obv. feels horrible about having done It.
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