Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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That's precisely Aokiji's character in a nutshell.
A person is weak when they don't follow their will.
As an admiral, Aokiji was weaker than his full potential because he was following orders (= someone else's will) rather than his own. Now that he's a free agent (*cough* *cough* infiltrating the BBPs *cough*), his spirit can truly show through his attacks. That's why he appears nerfed against Garp: because Aokiji didn't want that fight, he wasn't at his best.

Kiz is content being a soldier. Broccoli is the same. I don't expect them to be powerhouses while working for the WG.

Fuji is following his will, hence he was shown more competent than the aforementioned two, and Akainu is bound to rebel to the Gorosei and go full berserk intent on making his own justice in the world.

Kiz & GB are the weakest by design. One is a lazy monkey; the other is a plant who takes what the environment gives him, and uses that to nurish himself, without chasing more, without seeking the best.

I suspect Kizarus true nature is Selfish (Playful Monkey) Justice. The Marines are about duty. So at work he follows Loyal/Obedient/Dutiful Justice. The result is Unclear Justice, his true nature clashes very hard with his work persona.

Aokiji in his youth followed Heroic Justice. After Saul for the longest time he adopted Lazy Justice which meant he could do good often and sometimes could play lazy, much the same as Fujitora ”plays” blind. He finally reached his potential when he took a stand against Absolute Justice of Sakazuki.

Kizaru is now at a cross roads - should he surpress himself and stay an obediyent soldier or should he go for his own goals?

I think something else is traumatizing him. Killing his friend?
Read the above. I think that is the key.
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@Sir Yasheen @MarineHQ @Paperchampion23 @Lee Ba Shou @Kurozumi Wiwi
What are your current thoughs on Kizaru(for now)?
Did he exceed expectations? Did he meet expectations? disappointed?
I'm not satisfied with the fact that Oda uses mental cuffs to hold him back. Saturn mentioned how it's unprecedented for Kizaru to be this inefficient during a mission and that was after he passively outlasted G5 without even trying.

I'm satisfied with his performance considering the nerf put on him, but if this arc ends without Kizaru going all out on someone I'll be super fucking dissapointed.

I don't care anymore against who, Zoro, Luffy or Gorosei

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Sir Yasheen @MarineHQ @Paperchampion23 @Lee Ba Shou @Kurozumi Wiwi
What are your current thoughs on Kizaru(for now)?
Did he exceed expectations? Did he meet expectations? disappointed?
Disappointed but not because he’s weak. He’s actually stronger than I thought and raised the Admiral level for me. I have serious Kizaru > Nika.

Disappointed because Oda has sandbagged him all arc. Lol

But I’m really enjoying Egghead actually. My favorite post TS arc with the exception of Nika who is absolute garbage as always. But once you resign yourself to the fact that Oda has ruined his manga, OP becomes much more enjoyable in the way that watching trash that you used to love and had potential get violated is fun lol.
@Sir Yasheen @MarineHQ @Paperchampion23 @Lee Ba Shou @Kurozumi Wiwi
What are your current thoughs on Kizaru(for now)?
Did he exceed expectations? Did he meet expectations? disappointed?
Character wise he exceeded expectations. I thought he was just a soldier who didn’t have any real emotion in his job

Power wise? Underwhelmed. He really hasn’t done anything new outside of show a very solid level of endurance and durability. However I was expecting logia awakening and Kizarus use of his fruit so far has not been all that impressive.
Putting kizaru under ryokugyu and Fujitora only because you want to wank zoro and sanji if they fight them
Only admiral stronger than kizaru is akainu
Based on their fruits and portrayal before Egghead I would have said Kizaru > Fujitora. Now I dont think that is the case anymore. And that is simply down to wills. I expect Fujitora to display CoC or even AdCoC on top of his AdCoO. As long as Kizaru is confused he wont be awakened nor have CoC and that in my view means Fujitora wins.


@Sir Yasheen @MarineHQ @Paperchampion23 @Lee Ba Shou @Kurozumi Wiwi
What are your current thoughs on Kizaru(for now)?
Did he exceed expectations? Did he meet expectations? disappointed?
I'm tired of saying it.
Admirals ain't weak , it's agenda piece which is making them weak.
Yes they lack feats , argument goes like shanks vs mihawk only because mihawk has no on-screen feat.
- Outlasted Gear 5 , luffy managed to pull One punch only that too a distracted Kizaru who wasn't even planning to fight.
- Got sneaked attack multiple times.
- mentally restrained right now. Like tell how is Luffy gonna fight after ace death even if he was recovered?
- Kizaru onscreen has barely used any named attack or haki.

If you remove agenda you will what oda is doing.
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