JJK 254 Spoilers


Spoilers are out!!

Chap begins with Kusakabe using “New Shadow Style Simple Domain: Evening Moon Sword Drawing” Sukuna recognises the technique but he wonders why Kusakabe is using it against him who can send slashes flying

Kusakabe monologue: “Simple Domain can be used against Domain Expansions to eliminate sure hit effect but it doesn't neutralizes the cursed technique itself. But keeping that aside, even tho it's simple, it's still a domain”

As Sukuna sends slashes, Kusakabe brushes them off with his Katana. He thinks, “Inside this domain, my cursed energy output is amplified and Sukuna's technique will get weaker”

Kusakabe can add a fully automatic system which makes him able to attack whatever that enters his domain. Even Sukuna praises Kusakabe, saying that his reflexes aren't bad

Kusakabe has been dealing with Sukuna's slashes by reading his “sparks” of cursed energy, motion & just pure institution. And his domain further eases that work

But just as he was boasting his technique on surviving slashes by reading Sukuna's motion n all, Kusakabe is suddenly hit with another set of slashes which he barely dodges. He realises that Sukuna activated his CT with 0 motion!!

We once again have an interview type flashback where everyone's praising Kusakabe Nanami calls him an expert swordsman with wide verity of techniques Mei Mei says Kusakabe is an useful man who can apply himself to any given situation

Gojo praises Kusakabe for having the ‘Simple Domain’ trump card. Gojo says alot of beginners have to create binding vow's to form it (SD) but Kusakabe can establish a SD without any binding vows & it's effective range is also huge!!

Miwa's binding vow to activate her simple domain is that both of her feet should be grounded or else it deactivates

Kusakabe senses that Sukuna is about expand the target of his CT to use World Cutting Slash & immediately expands the range of his Simple Domain. Even Sukuna is surprised by this!!

Mei says, usually when someone uses Sword Drawing, they lure their opponents in. But Kusakabe extends the range of his SD & gets the opponent inside the range. And he can attack whoever enters his domain automatically

Mei Mei also said this about Kusakabe: “He's the type of Jujutsu Sorcerer that I would like to bring on a deserted island”

Double Spread of Kusakabe attacking Sukuna with a barrage of cuts

Nanami on Kusakabe's barrage attack: “I don't know anyone who can manage to block all of that. Well, I also know someone who doesn't even need to do block that at all (Gojo)”

Kusakabe's Katana brakes after the numerous attack on Sukuna but he removes his overcoat & starts throwing hands

Kusakabe chases Sukuna who was sent flying from a kick earlier by him. Kusakabe thinks why is he trying so hard again. This isn't like him. But then he realises it's cuz he's indebted to Principal Yaga

Gojo, Nanami & Mei says the number one reason why they recommend Kusakabe as the Strongest Grade-1 Sorcerer is cuz he's “Super Kind” Kusakabe hits honoured one pose as he tells himself that he should stop thinking nonsense cuz the kids fought with their lives on line!

Kusakabe uses “Hazy Moon” technique from his New Shadow Style. It forms an aura which takes shape of the remaining part of his broken Katana

Kusakabe rushes once again to attack but Sukuna grabs hold of the sword with just two fingers. Sukuna says, “You aimed for my heart where I'm already damaged huh. It's so painfully obvious”

Ui Ui immediately arrives to save Kusakabe but.....

Sukuna was waiting for Ui Ui to arrive as he sneaks up on him saying, “You are starting to get annoying”

Just as Sukuna was about to kill Ui Ui, MIGUEL ARRIVES AT THE BATTLE SCENE & RESCUES UI UI INSTANTLY!!! When Sukuna says he doesn't recognises him, Miguel goes, “You must live under a rock for not knowing who I am. These islanders need to sharpen their senses more”
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