Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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not coping just saying that Lucci stood up very fast (maybe never went down, cuz loda never draw that shit...)
It doesn't matter how fast you get up. A KO is a KO. Tyson Fury got KO vs Wilder and got back up. That's how knockouts work. By the time Lucci got back up Luffy had already left. Against Zolo, Lucci didn't even get KO, it took Jinbei to blow him away. Even Zolo wanted to stay to finish the job...


When were you under the impression this game is..
Bruh if you can't accept your L and accept my argument let alone Debunk it.
Don't bother qouting me.
Is this an escape? Because I proved you wrong.
There is no L to accept you are using your headcanon to say Kaido wouldnt be able to dodge or block Zoros attack even if going all out and bloodlusted.

Then proceeded to use a no limit fallacy to Zoros feats.

You arent arguing or using logic.
The Denial of zoro haters is further proof that they are far too gone in their downplay and cant come back, they are no longers agenda man just pure haters. they are finished.
The funny part is that most "zoro haters" actually like Zolo. I just don't like his fans who put him on a pedestal and way above the level he is actually at. I think he's really cool as a character and gets a lot of hype moments


There is no L to accept you are using your headcanon to say Kaido wouldnt be able to dodge or block Zoros attack even if going all out and bloodlusted.

Then proceeded to use a no limit fallacy to Zoros feats.

You arent arguing or using logic.
You are the one who is yet to prove me wrong if Anyone has dodged Ashura or King of hell.
You're the one bringing in your headcanon of Kaidou can do it.
No he can't.
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