Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Bud man admirals fan keep winning but I hate the way it happen .
I realy want an Admiral to go fulls trenght no BS no mental nerf no Protecting celestial dragon nerf no BS .
I want a real fight at full power why its so hard to get that ???
We are final saga for god sake !
But yes Kizaru is confirmed unscathed basically but with his heart Broken because he achieved his mission and killed VEgapunk thats the weirdest W I ever seen .
I have to say that im ashamed of luffy . HE can't keep anyone down for good this arc this is crazy . He got 2 free hits on Kizaru and nop !!
He go tlucci Koed for a minute but dud got UP ready .
Even the seraphim lloks like they were not defeated but simply captured with vegapunk tech .
ANd now he running saying the gorosei are immortals . If its truth then forget yonko the gorosei solo the verse until we find their weakness .
Gorosei Agenda congrats you won top 1 ahead of Roger WB all yonko for the moment .

Admirals fans we keep winning but at what cost ?
Yonko fans ? IM sory this is clearly not your arc but enjoy the Kid and Law W .
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