CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Waiting for my Lego set to arrive.
Legos!!! One of the best parts of my childhood. I love how crazy the new sets are, though the classic stuff holds a special place in my heart. The OG Castle sets with Knights and Archers and Dragons

How's everyone today btw?
Good! Writing, playing Persona. Trying to rest, though, been a bit sick. But, in good spirits.
Binge chilling is gonna be a part of my vocabulary now!

Legos!!! One of the best parts of my childhood. I love how crazy the new sets are, though the classic stuff holds a special place in my heart. The OG Castle sets with Knights and Archers and Dragons

Good! Writing, playing Persona. Trying to rest, though, been a bit sick. But, in good spirits.
Lego sets are just pure joy, although they're so expensive. I'd buy Rivendell and D&D set, and a lot more, but I need to be a millionaire for that I guess 😭

Wish you a speedy recovery!