[FNZ] Role Madness One Piece: Water 7/Enies Lobby

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Lead them to paradise.
Death of the kitty

@Emil / Rob Lucci has been lynched

Rob Lucci

Shigan: Target a player and make them bleed. X3.
Leg sweep: Target a player and roleblock them for a phase.
Strongman kill modifier to faction kill. X1.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Cipher Poll mafia

Day 1 ends
Night 1 has started
You have 23 hours to submit your actions

Night 1 ends


Lead them to paradise.
Death of the Mayor:

@Ultra / Iceburg has been killed


Water 7 records: Each night you may consult the water 7 records to see if a player is guilty or no. X3.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Straw hat and Water 7 alliance.
@Gambit / ??? has been killed

Day 2 has started
You have 48 hours to discuss
With 17 players alive it takes 9 votes for majority

Vote Ratchet.

Too drunk to play now. But that‘s where we‘re going today. Obviously tried pivoting from Ekko.
Do you not want him to claim his results first? Though he could be mafia here, but I am not sure if he would be sticking to defense of Ekko as his teammate when Ekko was so close to hammer?

@Ratchet can you claim results?

Also, do we have SK here? Because janitor should be mafia kill, but would town vig be so dumb as to target Ultra?
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