A pretty simple thread. What got you into reading Kingdom? It can be a friend who recommended to you on the internet or a friend in real life recommended to you or you just somehow found out about Kingdom on the manga store and decided to buy first volume or something like that and decided to check it out. Or you found about some internet posts about Kingdom like says, YouTube shorts or Instagram shorts where some dudes talk about why you should read Kingdom, etc. The reasons is varies by people.
How I got into Kingdom? Well, it's from King of Lightning's video about 7 years ago where he talks about chapter 499 (the chapter where Qin is ready for Western Zhao Invasion and Shin wields Ouki's glaive for the first time):
So yeah, that's my reason for how I got into reading Kingdom in 2017. What's y'all reason? And do y'all recommend the series to somebody else after checking the series out yourself?
As for myself on the internet, I think I recommend Kingdom to @TheKnightOfTheSea in 2021 and he got invested and so he's here now discussing the series with us Kingdom chads.
Real life, in my second semester of senior year in high school in 2022, I was reading Kingdom chapters on my computer during free time in my Calculus BC class, and one of my classmates happens to see me reading Kingdom and he was like, "Oh what are you reading? Shit looks cool!"
I replied, "It's Kingdom. A manga about historical Warring States China that features a lot of military warfare strategies and tactics and intense political themes. If you're into those, I highly recommend it."
He says, "Cool! I will check it out."
A week later and bro's already into Sanyou arc Lmao. I approached him and says, "How are you enjoy Kingdom so far, man?"
He said, "Shit's amazing man! One of the best manga I've ever read. Thanks for the recommendation."
I finished the convo with, "No prob man! Glad you enjoyed the series!"
I remember he said that Ouki, Riboku and Renpa are his favorite characters. And Kingdom is in his top 3 manga along with Berserk and Attack on Titan. So I know bro have good taste lol.
How I got into Kingdom? Well, it's from King of Lightning's video about 7 years ago where he talks about chapter 499 (the chapter where Qin is ready for Western Zhao Invasion and Shin wields Ouki's glaive for the first time):
So yeah, that's my reason for how I got into reading Kingdom in 2017. What's y'all reason? And do y'all recommend the series to somebody else after checking the series out yourself?
As for myself on the internet, I think I recommend Kingdom to @TheKnightOfTheSea in 2021 and he got invested and so he's here now discussing the series with us Kingdom chads.
Real life, in my second semester of senior year in high school in 2022, I was reading Kingdom chapters on my computer during free time in my Calculus BC class, and one of my classmates happens to see me reading Kingdom and he was like, "Oh what are you reading? Shit looks cool!"
I replied, "It's Kingdom. A manga about historical Warring States China that features a lot of military warfare strategies and tactics and intense political themes. If you're into those, I highly recommend it."
He says, "Cool! I will check it out."
A week later and bro's already into Sanyou arc Lmao. I approached him and says, "How are you enjoy Kingdom so far, man?"
He said, "Shit's amazing man! One of the best manga I've ever read. Thanks for the recommendation."
I finished the convo with, "No prob man! Glad you enjoyed the series!"
I remember he said that Ouki, Riboku and Renpa are his favorite characters. And Kingdom is in his top 3 manga along with Berserk and Attack on Titan. So I know bro have good taste lol.
@Lee Ba Shou @Owl Ki @God Buggy @Bullet @centurion @Cichy @Pirao @Darkrai1381 @Rumble @RayanOO and whoever else that I forgot.