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I shall consider the theory you posted

Actually I can prove that there is conspiracy of the moderation against my client.

Does the court recognize this post ?

Well, this is THIS post.

As you can see, @Mr. Reloaded is quoting a post of @Warback saying: "Carrot isn't supose to beat Perospero or she'd have better feats than Jimbei "

What is funny is that this quoted post DO NOT EXIST ANYMORE. And instead leads to THIS POST:

I hate @Mrs. Reloaded , I swear one day I gonna kill that bitch!!!
(this one):

As you can see, said post was EDITED by a moderator. Meaning a moderator transformed a post about Carrot INTO a post against the interests of @Mrs. Reloaded and my client.

So, your honor @AL sama , in light of said evidence. I ask for the rejection of ALL written evidences provided by moderator against my client's interest.

I provided evidences of a CLEAR case of conspiracy of the moderation associated with the opposition and enlightened threat against the court and my OWN client.

I therefore ask for ALL charges against my client to be dropped.
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Actually I can prove that there is conspiracy of the moderation against my client.

Does the court recognize this post ?

Well, this is THIS post.

As you can see, @Mr. Reloaded is quoting a post of @Warback saying: "Carrot isn't supose to beat Perospero or she'd have better feats than Jimbei "

What is funny is that this quoted post DO NOT EXIST ANYMORE. And instead leads to THIS POST:

(this one):

As you can see, said post was EDITED by a moderator. Meaning a moderator transformed a post about Carrot INTO a post against the interests of @Mrs. Reloaded.

So, your honor @AL sama , in light of said evidence. I ask for the rejection of ALL written evidences provided by moderator against my client's interest.

I provided evidences of a CLEAR case of conspiracy of the moderation associated with the opposition and enlightened threat against the court and my OWN client.

I therefore ask for ALL charges against my client to be dropped.


AL sama

Red Haired
So, your honor @AL sama , in light of said evidence. I ask for the rejection of ALL written evidences provided by moderator against my client's interest.

I provided evidences of a CLEAR case of conspiracy of the moderation associated with the opposition and enlightened threat against the court and my OWN client.

I therefore ask for ALL charges against my client to be dropped.
is that all you've to say??
is that all you've to say??
No :)

I have one final argument. I wanted to keep it for my ending statement.. but since I'm starting to see that there is no winning here if the supreme instances (hi @TheAncientCenturion ) do not confirm and denounce a moderation conspiracy.. I need to give ALL I HAVE LEFT and hope for the best.

This will be therefore my ending statement a bit early:

Dear members of the Jury, of the court and the audience. What you have here is a clear case of honest people going against a system of oppression and corruption !

What oppression and corruption you may ask ?

The oppression of Carrot FANS !!

You see, from the moment they entered this realm Carrot fans were doomed. Indeed, this place has always been known for its toxic environment and corrupted power. So when they entered the realm, they became a target.. first with simple laughs, then harrasments. So to protect themselves they started to unionize and create groups hiding...

All ? No.. not all. One person remained unfazed by those constant agressions and kept fighting fire with their own blade ! This person stands before you today.

I did saw very early the corruption and toxicity of this place and fought it with all I had.. and there.. I made a LOT of ennemies.

One of them is right there in the court today !


For me you were just a mere clone of the anti-carrot corruption of this forum. But my constant fight against you and other Carrot fans made you SICK !!

Yes ! You didn't accept that people could fight for a mere rabbit girl. You, the boss of the mafia, were attacked in your own pride !

Oh, Jury .. you didn't knew this ? You might have miss the post I quoted earlier where the moderator @Tyki_Mikk indicate his deep ties with @Mr. Reloaded , and that he even "KIL" few users who been against him in the past.

Reloaded never would do that, my bond with him is to good, I mean I even kil.. I mean take care of few users who been against him in the past, our connection is good.
And in fact that was not the only time he said this:

I quote : "who ever threat Reloaded, we need to eliminate him"

@Mr. Reloaded is the boss of the mafia here also known as "the family". Anyone know it, everyone denies it. Well, not me ! Here you can see the boss directly threatening a user @Akai2 :

"Join the family. For your safety" and @Tyki_Mikk to add (because, remember, he has VERY GOOD TIES with him) "I hear that MR. Reloaded has his own assasines, I would take care Akai"

And when you add that to the demonstration I made here, that there is a moderation conspiracy in this place, well, you can easily see how the moderation can be at the hands of @Mr. Reloaded !

Actually I can prove that there is conspiracy of the moderation against my client.

Does the court recognize this post ?

Well, this is THIS post.

As you can see, @Mr. Reloaded is quoting a post of @Warback saying: "Carrot isn't supose to beat Perospero or she'd have better feats than Jimbei "

What is funny is that this quoted post DO NOT EXIST ANYMORE. And instead leads to THIS POST:

(this one):

As you can see, said post was EDITED by a moderator. Meaning a moderator transformed a post about Carrot INTO a post against the interests of @Mrs. Reloaded.

So, your honor @AL sama , in light of said evidence. I ask for the rejection of ALL written evidences provided by moderator against my client's interest.

I provided evidences of a CLEAR case of conspiracy of the moderation associated with the opposition and enlightened threat against the court and my OWN client.

I therefore ask for ALL charges against my client to be dropped.

So, members of the jury , the court and the audience....

As you can see here, there is a shark in town ! But do not be afraid ! A shark can be taken care of with a simple little tap on the nose !

And this Shark has flaws !

You see, Mister Reloaded was frustrated by people rising up against the hater of a Rabbit... and this is where he made his biggest mistake !!

Seeing in his wife WHO IS A RABBIT his failure against a simple Carrot fan, Mr Reloaded lost control when he saw his wife and children starting to question his authority:

And I proved here that Mr Reloaded's temper is not the one of someone calm and reasonnable:


I'm sure you didn't really mean seriously this either.

You see.. everybody in the court would understand the principle of saying something for the laugh one or two times. But repetitively in multiple place.... (exhibit C)

I'm sure that anyone in the court can agree that this is not the behavior of someone that is always calm and reasonnable.

Which leads me to my next point:

Mr Reloaded, here is the photo of your ex wife dead body taken before the autopsy

(Exhibit D)

(Exhibit E)

As you can see here, we can clearly see the stab that caused the death of Mrs Reloaded, right in the back on Exhibit E. The autopsy confirmed that this was done by a small and sharp blade.

But the 50+ stabs that we can see on exhibit D in the front of your wife's body was actually confirmed done HOURS after the death. You can see that mainly because of the absence of bruises around the cuts.

Here is my question mister Reloaded:

Do you think that this kind of atrocity can be done by someone that is always calm and reasonnable ?
So... when the new year arrived, the year of the RABBIT, Mr Reloaded could not take it anymore and stabbed his wife in the back during the intercourse. Panicked he placed the corpse into the fridge of his restaurant.. but the hatred remained.. and when new years eve passed and all Carrot fan celebrated, he actually took a knife and stabbed his wife's corpse again and again and again...

The corpse was discovered far from there, buried in a Zoo with the mention "eat grass"

But this was not over for Mr Reloaded as his hatred was not finished..


Mr Reloaded founded with known Carrot fan @Pot Goblin "the Conejo blanco club" a club meant to appease the need of people for White Rabbit like characters in fiction and especially as a way for Carrot fans to interact and have fun. A peaceful place.. if it wasn't for @Mr. Reloaded constant attack on Rabbit's fan. Exhibit J:

Even allowing the Mafia to enter at one point !

But that's not all, Mr Reloaded planned for the end of the Conejo Blanco and the Carrot fanbase on the very beginning of their history as you can see here:

I would like the Jury to note the parallel of this date with the anniversary of the death of Mr Reloaded's wife.

@Warback - What happens when you are angry ?
Indeed, Mr Reloaded founded the Conejo club.. as a way to trick all Carrot fans ! You can even see that he planned to betray the fan club on the ANNIVERSARY of the death of his wife. All of that out of hate and frustration against the one that didn't flinch in front of opposition.

And his plan was in motion.. Create a fanclub, and make it raided by the Mafia and the FBI as an harrasment method.. but what he didn't planned is that the one person who is was frustrated against... did NOT join the club.

Indeed. Your servant is not a simple Carrot fan. I don't like Carrot because she is a rabbit, or a furry or a girl or because she is cute... I like talking about her because I find her STORY to be interesting ! NOTHING MORE.

But Mr reloaded never understood that.. and so... his plan and frustration rised again..

Sacrifice the sinful children!

Sacrifice the weak-willed elderly

and he started to lose control even more.. and planned to make Carrot fans disappear.. And the first one on his list..

Is my client ! @Warback . A simple furry bird. fan of Carrot, who hasn't done anything wrong.

You can check back the trial, at NO point does the procecution was able to prove anything about the guilt of my client. But on the other hand, I was able to prove that my client COULDN'T be on the scene during the attack as you can see here:

Indeed. You loses your feathers !

You see, my client is a big bird.. and they have fragile feathers, so when they get angry, its a MESS and we need to clean the room for hours !

So I want to take the court back to those previous exhibits:

What is interesting in those exhibit is the pattern of the cuts. As you now know, the stabbing of the frontal part of Mrs reloaded's body was done post-mortem HOURS after the death of the victim. The criminal section indicated that it was most likely due to a surge of rage!

But can you see what is even more interesting here ?

I will tell you !


Indeed, if my client was guilty, you would AT LEAST find traces of little feathers on the body or in the cuts. But here, NOTHING !

And we know the body was not taken great care of by the murderer.

My dear jury. Here you have a proof that my client did NOT commited the stabbing of Mrs Reloaded !
Again : My client was NOT on the scene during the murder or the stabbing. The autopsy and the lack of feather PROVED that !


You know who was on the scene at that time ?

Well.. I know.. Because HE CONFESSED IT!



I should not have killed my wife :risitasad:

I had my wife, my son and some kid who called himself me (furryloaded) killed. And got away with all of it. I should be on everybody's worst list.

The point I making here... is that @Mr. Reloaded needs to pay for his crimes !

And my client @Warback is completely...


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Mr. Reloaded

Professional backstabber
No :)

I have one final argument. I wanted to keep it for my ending statement.. but since I'm starting to see that there is no winning here if the supreme instances (hi @TheAncientCenturion ) do not confirm and denounce a moderation conspiracy.. I need to give ALL I HAVE LEFT and hope for the best.

This will be therefore my ending statement a bit early:

Dear members of the Jury, of the court and the audience. What you have here is a clear case of honest people going against a system of oppression and corruption !

What oppression and corruption you may ask ?

The oppression of Carrot FANS !!

You see, from the moment they entered this realm Carrot fans were doomed. Indeed, this place has always been known for its toxic environment and corrupted power. So when they entered the realm, they became a target.. first with simple laughs, then harrasments. So to protect themselves they started to unionize and create groups hiding...

All ? No.. not all. One person remained unfazed by those constant agressions and kept fighting fire with their own blade ! This person stands before you today.

I did saw very early the corruption and toxicity of this place and fought it with all I had.. and there.. I made a LOT of ennemies.

One of them is right there in the court today !


For me you were just a mere clone of the anti-carrot corruption of this forum. But my constant fight against you and other Carrot fans made you SICK !!

Yes ! You didn't accept that people could fight for a mere rabbit girl. You, the boss of the mafia, were attacked in your own pride !

Oh, Jury .. you didn't knew this ? You might have miss the post I quoted earlier where the moderator @Tyki_Mikk indicate his deep ties with @Mr. Reloaded , and that he even "KIL" few users who been against him in the past.

And in fact that was not the only time he said this:

I quote : "who ever threat Reloaded, we need to eliminate him"

@Mr. Reloaded is the boss of the mafia here also known as "the family". Anyone know it, everyone denies it. Well, not me ! Here you can see the boss directly threatening a user @Akai2 :

"Join the family. For your safety" and @Tyki_Mikk to add (because, remember, he has VERY GOOD TIES with him) "I hear that MR. Reloaded has his own assasines, I would take care Akai"

And when you add that to the demonstration I made here, that there is a moderation conspiracy in this place, well, you can easily see how the moderation can be at the hands of @Mr. Reloaded !

So, members of the jury , the court and the audience....

As you can see here, there is a shark in town ! But do not be afraid ! A shark can be taken care of with a simple little tap on the nose !

And this Shark has flaws !

You see, Mister Reloaded was frustrated by people rising up against the hater of a Rabbit... and this is where he made his biggest mistake !!

Seeing in his wife WHO IS A RABBIT his failure against a simple Carrot fan, Mr Reloaded lost control when he saw his wife and children starting to question his authority:

And I proved here that Mr Reloaded's temper is not the one of someone calm and reasonnable:

So... when the new year arrived, the year of the RABBIT, Mr Reloaded could not take it anymore and stabbed his wife in the back during the intercourse. Panicked he placed the corpse into the fridge of his restaurant.. but the hatred remained.. and when new years eve passed and all Carrot fan celebrated, he actually took a knife and stabbed his wife's corpse again and again and again...

The corpse was discovered far from there, buried in a Zoo with the mention "eat grass"

But this was not over for Mr Reloaded as his hatred was not finished..

Indeed, Mr Reloaded founded the Conejo club.. as a way to trick all Carrot fans ! You can even see that he planned to betray the fan club on the ANNIVERSARY of the death of his wife. All of that out of hate and frustration against the one that didn't flinch in front of opposition.

And his plan was in motion.. Create a fanclub, and make it raided by the Mafia and the FBI as an harrasment method.. but what he didn't planned is that the one person who is was frustrated against... did NOT join the club.

Indeed. Your servant is not a simple Carrot fan. I don't like Carrot because she is a rabbit, or a furry or a girl or because she is cute... I like talking about her because I find her STORY to be interesting ! NOTHING MORE.

But Mr reloaded never understood that.. and so... his plan and frustration rised again..

and he started to lose control even more.. and planned to make Carrot fans disappear.. And the first one on his list..

Is my client ! @Warback . A simple furry bird. fan of Carrot, who hasn't done anything wrong.

You can check back the trial, at NO point does the procecution was able to prove anything about the guilt of my client. But on the other hand, I was able to prove that my client COULDN'T be on the scene during the attack as you can see here:

Again : My client was NOT on the scene during the murder or the stabbing. The autopsy and the lack of feather PROVED that !


You know who was on the scene at that time ?

Well.. I know.. Because HE CONFESSED IT!





The point I making here... is that @Mr. Reloaded needs to pay for his crimes !

And my client @Warback is completely...


Does the prosecution not know what trolling is?

Why would anyone openly admit to crimes seriously?

And you didn't prove the existence of the Mafia.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
@Logiko now you claim Warbacks post was edited by a moderator which may be true but can you in good faith say exactly which moderator did it And how do you explain the video evidence I presented the court earlier today

@Warback do you have an explanation of that video evidence? Why where you there that night? Who else was there? If you're truly innocent did you see who killed Mrs Reloaded! Either admit you did it or tell everyone who did!
@Logiko now you claim Warbacks post was edited by a moderator which may be true but can you in good faith say exactly which moderator did it And how do you explain the video evidence I presented the court earlier today

@Warback do you have an explanation of that video evidence? Why where you there that night? Who else was there? If you're truly innocent did you see who killed Mrs Reloaded! Either admit you did it or tell everyone who did!
The random video of that big bird knocking down a door?
@Logiko now you claim Warbacks post was edited by a moderator which may be true but can you in good faith say exactly which moderator did it And how do you explain the video evidence I presented the court earlier today
I do not need to. I explained that there was a MODERATION conspiracy against my client. Not who was involved. Its up to the justice to find the culprits, I'm just a lawyer.

And about the video, we only saw my client bursting into a room. Nothing more he does that a lot (I had to replace my own door because of that), this is not even the restaurant.

@Warback do you have an explanation of that video evidence? Why where you there that night? Who else was there? If you're truly innocent did you see who killed Mrs Reloaded! Either admit you did it or tell everyone who did!
Objection, the procecution is pressuring my client !


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
I do not need to. I explained that there was a MODERATION conspiracy against my client. Not who was involved. Its up to the justice to find the culprits, I'm just a lawyer.

And about the video, we only saw my client bursting into a room. Nothing more he does that a lot (I had to replace my own door because of that), this is not even the restaurant.

Objection, the procecution is pressuring my client !
Objection! There's no rule against doing my job!


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
@AL sama your honor The defense is right clearly the Family has bloodied their hands, however @Warback clearly has connections with the Family this murder was planned and premeditated and the whole organization should be thrown in prison