General & Others Wano had very few abandoned plot points

I know it’s popular to hate on Wano here but one of the most ridiculous complaints is that there were too many “abandoned” plot lines or that Oda forgot. While I agree that a lot of the execution for the ending of Wano was ass I don’t think Oda forgot about any plot points (other than the Kokeshi dolls shinobu mentioned). Most of the complaints about abandoned plot points are divided into two categories
1. Will be expanded on later and Oda didn’t want to do it Wano (e.g. Rocks flash back will explain more about Kaido and his reasoning in the arc, Ryuma will be explored more later etc.). Now while I think not explaining some these in Wano was a dumb decision they were not abandoned
2. They were never plot points in the first place these usually happen when fan theories are taken as canon or readers misinterpret dialogue thinking it has greater meaning than it does (e.g. Onigashima’s “true name”, Wano Daimyo looking like numbers)
How about characters saying stuff and don't act on it later on ? It's not an ''abandonned plotpoint'' per se but still makes it terrible writing.
- Luffy promised to take down BM since long before Wano, said it again in WCI and promised Katakuri. Seems abandonned.
- Zoro rounding the Samurai, declared in Zou and no follow up.
- Franky making a weapon capable of taking down Kaido, no follow up.
- Zoro visiting Ryuma's grave ? Maybe it will be shown later but for now, abandoned.
- Zoro shouting he would cut Kaido to pieces.

Just to name a few, there are probably more.
At the moment, Kaido motivation is obscure. He had barely a flashback and nowhere is explained why he was suicidal then he was not anymore.
That’s because Oda didn’t want to show the rocks flashback for some fucking reason. I think Kaido will get better as a character retroactively after we see the flashback but he will never be as good as he could have been if we just got the flashback in Wano
At the moment, Kaido motivation is obscure. He had barely a flashback and nowhere is explained why he was suicidal then he was not anymore.
That's not something that needed to be explicited. Oda is always very subtle with his character arc and Kaido doesn't make an exception. Kaido is simply a broken man. Broken by what happened in the Rock Pirates. He implictly mentionned a few times how painfull it is for a pirate to be betrayed and that pirate will always betray the one they are loyal to.

The reason why Kaido and Big Mom made an alliance is specifically because Big Mom was kind to Kaido. Kaido just wanted chaos out of sadness and wanted a way to die. Luffy gave him that.

In One Piece you ALWAYS need to pay a lot of attention to the details, because Oda doesn't have time to explain everything to you, so he will show you.

How about characters saying stuff and don't act on it later on ? It's not an ''abandonned plotpoint'' per se but still makes it terrible writing.
- Luffy promised to take down BM since long before Wano, said it again in WCI and promised Katakuri. Seems abandonned.
- Zoro rounding the Samurai, declared in Zou and no follow up.
- Franky making a weapon capable of taking down Kaido, no follow up.
- Zoro visiting Ryuma's grave ? Maybe it will be shown later but for now, abandoned.
- Zoro shouting he would cut Kaido to pieces.

Just to name a few, there are probably more.
A character saying stuff is not a narrative promise and shouldn't be taken as one. Characters don't know what the future holds, they are human and they are sometimes proven wrong.