General & Others Wano had very few abandoned plot points

That was a dropped plot point
No. That was not a plot at all. Zoro only expressed what he wanted to do. But reality is not an easy path and Zoro had to face another opponent.

In reality, the plot was between Hiyori and Orochi (remember, that its Hiyori who told Zoro that she wanted to end Orochi, which she did)
The promise of something being explained later is not inherently appealing. Sure, Kaido could get a full backstory with some Rocks stuff 300 chapters later but by then my interest in Kaido would be absolute zero. My interest in Kaido was during Wano Arc. My interest in his corpse is not going to continue 3+ years later.
I agree with this completely. Oda fumbled Kaido because he didn’t want to reveal rocks for some reason but I don’t think Oda just forgot about everything relating to Kaido’s character


I have a growing suspicion that Momo is an actual fag. At his age his father had clapped half wano's chicks, yet he, after all this trouble, is sulking and doesn't really look like being interested in the most powerful, majestic (kaido's superior genes + CoC) chick on the island.

What.A. Fucking. Waste.
:sanjimeh:Top-notch comment, mate. Feels like that last sentence may reflect more on yourself than on an ink scribble.

I agree with this completely. Oda fumbled Kaido because he didn’t want to reveal rocks for some reason but I don’t think Oda just forgot about everything relating to Kaido’s character
Forgotten? No, sure. But after having an entire arc dedicated to him, even if Kaido returned with an awakening and Pluton to boot, any backstory he might get past this point it'd feel like an addendum, like extra material more suited for a SBS than the manga. If you can't contextualize a character in his own saga, ffs, would the postponed re-contextualization hold as much sway?
If Croc is now revealed to have been WB's cheated-on ex wife, this doesn't make him any less of a good villain for the Alabasta saga.
I have a growing suspicion that Momo is an actual fag. At his age his father had clapped half wano's chicks, yet he, after all this trouble, is sulking and doesn't really look like being interested in the most powerful, majestic (kaido's superior genes + CoC) chick on the island.

Oden would TRULY be ashamed. What
A. Fucking. Waste.
Bit of a strange comment but sure
It has a few dropped plot points. Definitely not as many as people make it out to be. A lot of people headcanon plot points
I know it’s popular to hate on Wano here but one of the most ridiculous complaints is that there were too many “abandoned” plot lines or that Oda forgot. While I agree that a lot of the execution for the ending of Wano was ass I don’t think Oda forgot about any plot points (other than the Kokeshi dolls shinobu mentioned). Most of the complaints about abandoned plot points are divided into two categories
1. Will be expanded on later and Oda didn’t want to do it Wano (e.g. Rocks flash back will explain more about Kaido and his reasoning in the arc, Ryuma will be explored more later etc.). Now while I think not explaining some these in Wano was a dumb decision they were not abandoned
2. They were never plot points in the first place these usually happen when fan theories are taken as canon or readers misinterpret dialogue thinking it has greater meaning than it does (e.g. Onigashima’s “true name”, Wano Daimyo looking like numbers)
onigashima's true name will also probably come up later. people just started acting like wano had to be a complete manga in itself and not one arc of a larger series.
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did people finish little garden and think giants were a dropped plot point? or like. luffy prophecy of destroying fishman island is a dropped plot point? no its just something for later
A character saying stuff is not a narrative promise and shouldn't be taken as one. Characters don't know what the future holds, they are human and they are sometimes proven wrong.
Using this logic then :
- Nobody should care if Luffy doesn t become PK ?
- Nobody should care if Zoro doesn t become WSS ?
They just say that because they feel like it in the heat of the moment right ?
Usually when a chracter declares something, they follow up; heck even Usopp lies become true somehow.
Using this logic then :
- Nobody should care if Luffy doesn t become PK ?
- Nobody should care if Zoro doesn t become WSS ?
There is a difference between a random line of dialogue under influence and the motors for the story mate.

Yes, Zoro said that because he is human and was immediately reminded that its actually Hiyori who has the biggest beef against Orochi.

Usually when a chracter declares something, they follow up; heck even Usopp lies become true somehow.
That's not how story works. In manga, there is the tropes of the dream that realize themself, but in usual stories, when someone say they will do something, the opposite actually happens.

You can actually see a lot of this principle during whole cake.
Using this logic then :
- Nobody should care if Luffy doesn t become PK ?
- Nobody should care if Zoro doesn t become WSS ?
They just say that because they feel like it in the heat of the moment right ?
Usually when a chracter declares something, they follow up; heck even Usopp lies become true somehow.
Why are you wasting your time