Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

What did Mars see?

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The robot almost arrives..... again.

Ngl the tension is slowly fading away for me. And its not a case of "wait and it will get better" cause if i learned anything from Wano, sometimes Oda just wastes time for no reason at all. And i think we're in one of those phases again.
The robot is probably going to show us how to damage the gorosei, but why did it take this long for it to do something.
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U don't see it? or u can't see it? Luffy fans claiming that they 1v2 ing Gorosei where Dorry broggy was there, Sanji fans claiming that he gon fight Mars even tho he was down there. See the whole page thread and can talk that then lol,
After that ridiculous thing that u talking about, we even debating and comparing One Piece to another Manga like Bleach and such
U clearly ignoring this part lol
Here you go with the retarded ass luffy slender again. How tf do you people REALLY hate on luffy and his archievements while he's the LITTERAL main character. Anything significant that happened to the gorosei happened BECAUSE of luffy. The giants (at least till now) have only been defending luffy and didnt really had their own 1v1 moment or anything against any gorosei, they are ASSISTS.

Also ive litterally seen maybe ONE comment of someone who was SUGGESTING, that Mars saw Sanji. Zoro fans are already yelling CONFIRMED as we speak, just look at the threat dude its not even hidden. Yall wank zoro and bash luffy and sanji, thats what makes yall so unlikable, everything has to revolve around Zoro with you guys. And the problem is i actually love zoro, he's cool. But his fans are a different breed smh


Touch The Grass
I still don't understand how Oda manages to draw clogged up chapters with basically nothing happening in them even though the events in themselves should be exciting enough. i feel like you could easily cut one third of egghead with no loss of information and without sacrificing the pacing of the story
the pacing of this manga is just horrible lol.


Wait a minute. When Shinigami or any Soul Society dies they reborn in living world. That was the cirlce of life thing, this is why Mayuri Kurotsuchi killed people to make a balance for all three worlds. Quincy King desired to break all three worlds balance to make immortal life possible.

While the only question that was left was about Hollows who died, and the answer was that dead hollow just died. end of story.
They don't, kubo retconned it with the hell one shot.

Now, captains' souls are so powerful that they can't reincarnate in the living world therefore they are sent to hell.

Bittersweet ending where you get sent to hell after serving soul society for so long, i like the fact that there is no happy ending in bleach universe
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I still don't understand how Oda manages to draw clogged up chapters with basically nothing happening in them even though the events in themselves should be exciting enough. i feel like you could easily cut one third of egghead with no loss of information and without sacrificing the pacing of the story
Because shonen jump knows OP is their undisputed cashcow and they will milk every single cent out of that
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Again what you imagine could happen with Hollow that is nothing else then container for 10.000 souls in hell? Stark was able split in two parts, because he wasn't one soul to begin with.

SO in this terms when Hollow die, he can't exist as Hollow in the Hell because he is not a one soul anymore, but container of 10.000 souls or more. Also if Hollow just consume other souls, then all thousends souls go to Hell only because Hollow killem em? Did that makes any sence?

@Shasha23 @Sir Yasheen @CensoredbyWG
Hollows and shinigamis go to hell after they die, kubo changed those things with the hell one shot.

It's bleach, you should be used to major plot points getting retconned lol
I still don't understand how Oda manages to draw clogged up chapters with basically nothing happening in them even though the events in themselves should be exciting enough. i feel like you could easily cut one third of egghead with no loss of information and without sacrificing the pacing of the story
You could easily cut 90 percent of Dragonball and have no loss of information and sacrifice nothing. Cut everything toriyama forgot he drew because he didn't give a shit and you'd have a nice 3 volume manga
I still don't understand how Oda manages to draw clogged up chapters with basically nothing happening in them even though the events in themselves should be exciting enough. i feel like you could easily cut one third of egghead with no loss of information and without sacrificing the pacing of the story
Because every arc has multiple subplots now a days that Oda tries to push simultaneously so it feels like none of these plots ever go anywhere
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