- Mars looks above a giant brain structure
- It sends shock signals and covers the entire area in those bubble shields, Mars gets weakened, they have seastone effects like those where Kaku and Seraphims got trapped
- Nasujuro freeze cuts Bonney, Franky, looks like Atlas is dead
- Saturn stabbed Nico Robin reopening her deep wound, she is bleeding to death, Monster Chopper grabs Saturn and tells others to escape, he gets badly poisoned while doing so
- Mars told other Gorosei to come up to him and destroy the source, Jupeter is making his way there deep underground, he creates several cave-ins while moving around the island to prevent others escape
- Warcury defeats Broggy in his hybrid form
- 10 seconds left until the message starts
- In an epic double spread we see a shadowed figure flying outside the pangea castle, some random knight looks and says it must be from the phantom room and dies by looking at him, the creature turns into black lighting and teleports to egghead
- Break next week