None of those scrubs are going to fight the Gorosei, start thinking multiple Admirals, Dragon, Mihawk, even Yamato.
One tapped merchants aren't going to win fights that current yonko Goofy has no shot of winning.
What don’t you understand yoy clown it doesn’t matter if sanji get hype tool in this situation if sanji got one good feat it’s over for zoro fans

nasjuro is yonko level no shit he will hypetool Sanji

but Sanji do one feat on him us Sanji fans will never let him live it down

Sanji can get stronger nasjuro is at his peak
Zoro fans already got those feat against Kaido and Big Mom who is a Yonko lvl MZ
Kidd has more reason and build up to fight the Gorosei when he talked shit about ruler of world
Kidd's debut: When the world is ruled by Sanji, the world will produce more Sanji

Meanwhile trash didn't even sniff Kaido in Wano and ended up baking cake for Meme
Trash has no business with Gorosei