Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

Which Gorosei Will Zoro fight?

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Okay, this is basically the Red Line on the OP globe:

If the World Serpent is the Red Line, the World Serpent is quite literally a planetary threat. That's some Avenger level of danger, lmao.

I've also read some stuff where several planets surrounded the Earth in OP but now, nothing of these are even visible anymore. Maybe the World Serpent really ate some of these planets...
Always thought the Rd Line was parts of a moon that dropped onto the All Blue (the OP planet) hence why Lunarians lived there for a bit


Several months ago btw:

Part 76 (A Scientific Explanation of Chapter 1089 and Kuma's Death Pt. 1)
Let us first refresh our memories from my previous posts (Parts 7 and 43, tweeted Q1 2023, if anyone wishes to read them again...) where I explained how and why water level rose drastically after the use of the ancient weapon during the void century. And how the adrupt seasons start to begin around the world.
After over 10 thousand consecutive blasts from Uranus, the fresh water that was released swallowed up the fragmented land masses of the ancient super continent. These fragmented land masses that sank now formed a "new/secondary" seabed level, which is 10 thousand meters below the current sea level.
(Filler: A giant air bubble was used to float an island and entrusted to protect important relics and a certain red poneglyph. Noah's Ark was used to pull the floated island to the current location beneathe Red Line. This floated island is thereafter known around the world as Fishman Island......)

into the abyss core.

Thereafter, in Chapter 744 as well, upon reaching the core, light is finally shone on the darkness down there. Usopp is depicted as creating this "miracle" and hailed as a God.

Similarly, when water level is finally lowered by Luffy in the future and light finally shines upon the original land below that has not seen the sun for 800 years, Luffy will be known throughout the world as a God and bringing (sun)light and miracle to everyone.

Part 78 (A Scientific Explanation of Chapter 1089 and Kuma's Death Pt. 3)
As mentioned in Part 13 (tweeted Q1 2023), the energy source that Imu possesses, is explicitly kept away from Vegapunk's knowledge. Because, and just as Dragon said, Vegapunk is a peace loving person and is impossible for him to build such a destructive technology for the World Government's usage. However, VP's love and admiration of ancient technology led him to study and replicate ancient power, which is then secretly leaked by York to WG.

Pseudo Uranus' Mother Flame ability uses intense energy per blast and has to be cooled down immediately. This pseudo Uranus is now flying back to Mariejois underground ice chamber for maintenance till its next usage. Lulusia was chosen because the flying distance to and back the ice chamber is the shortest.

(Random filler for future post: The next time Strawhat crew reaches Long Ring Long Run island again, they will have to turn the gears of the island
Enies Lobby exists so at some point the must have done something similar.

In the end, Vegapunk isn't inventing anything, he's recreating Ancient Kingdom's technology that he learnt from Ohara.
Yeah I just thought about that

Vegapunk basically rips everything from the Ancient Kingdom but just because you have the blueprint it doesn’t mean you’re intelligent enough to recreate it

The WG probably didn’t have the means to recreate it themselves so they were waiting for someone like Vegapunk to come around
One Piece is very boring just fake hype, useless plot and doing 1000 circle, now gonna have to wait another 2 weak for fake hype we know gorosei wont be defeated right after their introducting. Others mangaka would have already warped it and be done. I wont even mind more shanks lore or buggy but move the plot already.
Stopped Imu by destroying an older version of the Mother Flame? Or something else entirely?

What I wanna know is what they used to sink islands previously

Cause that could have pretty interesting implications
My guess is it's Uranus. Maybe Joyboy destroyed the special fuel factory for Uranus and only it's operational again once Vegapunk invented mother flame, possibly based on the ancient fuel/energy.


Part 77 (A Scientific Explanation of Chapter 1089 and Kuma's Death Pt. 2)
I will now attempt to explain the "science" based on my source. Once again, this is something that Vegapunk will explain in the future so ignore me if my explanation is... not understandable hahas.

Ok, back to the "new/secondary" seabed level - Please refer to the childish diagram I drew. This secondary seabed is still slightly above the original seabed.

Click to view

Lulusia's original location on the sea surface. 2. When Mother Flame was used to destroy Lulusia, the force of the blast created a cavity/hole beneathe where Lulusia originally was.
Waters from the surrounding flow into this cavity/ hole because of water displacement. However, because of the "artificial" secondary seabed that was sunk and subsequently rested above the original seabed, there are air pockets / airways formed between the secondary seabed and the original seabed. Because the original seabed contains limestone, what this means is that the water flowing down from the sea surface (at Lulusia) towards the original seabed actually travels around/through the airways rather than seeping through the original seabed into the outer/inner cores.
Water continues flowing along the airways and gets pumped out from other side of the globe. This water displacement phenomenon led to earthquakes felt around the world as well as water level rising.
Part 77-2 (A Scientific Explanation of Chapter 1089)
(This is a second follow-up post for Parts 77 and 77-1 as more PMs than expected.)

The mechanics/science of the Mother Flame leading to "earthquakes" and "water falling into an abyss" has actually been drawn.

Please take a look at the last few panels of Chapter 743 and the first few panels of Chapter 744.

In Chapter 743, before Sabo used Dragon's Breath, he mentioned that everything in this world has a core. After blasting the ring floor, the core at the bottom is revealed and he traveled to this bottom core.

This is similar to one of my previous parts where I wrote Luffy in the future will lower the water level around the world, globally, and bring everything and everyone back to the original core at the bottom of the current sea, where people once lived on.

In Chapter 744, after Sabo destroyed the ring floor, water level at the surface fell into the abyss. Fire fist attack was also used by Sabo to reach the bottom core.

This is similar to how the Mother Flame resulted in the destruction of a "landmass" and waterfalling into the abyss core.

Thereafter, in Chapter 744 as well, upon reaching the core, light is finally shone on the darkness down there. Usopp is depicted as creating this "miracle" and hailed as a God.

Similarly, when water level is finally lowered by Luffy in the future and light finally shines upon the original land below that has not seen the sun for 800 years, Luffy will be known throughout the world as a God and bringing (sun)light and miracle to everyone.
Yeah I just thought about that

Vegapunk basically rips everything from the Ancient Kingdom but just because you have the blueprint it doesn’t mean you’re intelligent enough to recreate it

The WG probably didn’t have the means to recreate it themselves so they were waiting for someone like Vegapunk to come around
It’s possible that Lilis mistake was flooding the world then stealing the power source that was supposed to power the weapon and disappearing
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