Sheeeeet I just had an idea. A major issue noone has ever talked about.
If the Redline is destined to be destroyed and fall and thus connect all the seas together...wouldn't the resulting destabillization of ocean currents cause like a several decade long breakdown of the global climate? Monstrous storms and calamities across the world until everything is getting rearranged and balance out? It is possible that the Strawhats will die before the "New World" has been finallized in it's creation.
Jesus that is scary to think about.

If the Redline is destined to be destroyed and fall and thus connect all the seas together...wouldn't the resulting destabillization of ocean currents cause like a several decade long breakdown of the global climate? Monstrous storms and calamities across the world until everything is getting rearranged and balance out? It is possible that the Strawhats will die before the "New World" has been finallized in it's creation.
Jesus that is scary to think about.