Nami is Toki's sister.
They were both sent forward in time by their mother, who was the first user of Toki's fruit.
They were sent to separate eras.
Nami was found by Bell-mere and raised in Coconut Village, where they owned the Orange Grove (= all fruit names).
Toki was found by some Kuma-like weirdo, and grew up in Kaido's country, Vodka (Toki = type of Japanese whisky).
When she was a teen, Toki manifested her mother's DF, much like Bonney did with hers.
From there, Toki began skipping around in time, looking for her sister and for the prophesized one: Nika. All she found was Oden, but she learned to be happy with him. She died never finding her sister, but fate wanted that it'd be Nami and her new-found family to help Momo avenge Oden and open the country.
There's more.
Toki is the tile of a Japanese videogame:
This is obviously Tama's ability, the Kibi Kibi. In English it's translated as Millet Millet.
The millet is a cereal also used to produce
Raksi, a Nepalese distilled drink (again linking Tama to Kaido). A lot of fruits are used to produce distilled alcohol, and fruits themselves, by going bad, ferment, becoming intoxicating for various animals.
But Tama's name also foreshadows her connection to Luffy.
What do fruit, alcohol, and Toki/Nami/Tama have in common? That's right:
All of this to say that:
Momo was being a perv to his own aunt.