if Oda takes a break every 2 weeks and not every 3 wekks, we get chapter 999 this year officially, and Chapter 1000 this year unoficially (early spoiler leak last week of the year)
if Oda takes a break every 2 weeks and not every 3 wekks, we get chapter 999 this year officially, and Chapter 1000 this year unoficially (early spoiler leak last week of the year)
It was something but to me it didn't matter nothing came of it, Pudding was a dud. How would three eyes mean you can read Poneglyphs... makes no sense to me.
It was something but to me it didn't matter nothing came of it, Pudding was a dud. How would three eyes mean you can read Poneglyphs... makes no sense to me.
It was something but to me it didn't matter nothing came of it, Pudding was a dud. How would three eyes mean you can read Poneglyphs... makes no sense to me.
She's a dud iirc, and because having 3 eyes somehow mean they can read the BOAT, I think that was just Big Moms mere speculation than actual truth. If this so called tribe does exist and the World Government knows about them, then like ohara why are they not wiped out?
Talk about plot induced stupidity.
Redon ( Google translate look like cant translate accurately, but he is talking about people hated korean spoiler guy etc.):
How innocent are you who still think that the Korean filters have stopped publishing Spoilers because 4 idiots have messed with them
For that rule of three, and taking into account the amount of energy @ s that have passed (and continue to pass) through this forum, I should have stopped this from spoilers years ago
Qué inocentes sóis los que seguís pensando que los filtradores coreanos han dejado de publicar Spoilers porque 4 idiotas se han metido con ellos
Por esa regla de tres, y teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de energúmen@s que han pasado (y siguen pasando) por este foro, yo debería haber dejado esto de los Spoilers hace años
I told Sanji should have been injured by the calamities together because the calamities are together on the stage and they won't split up unless there they know there is a full scale enemy attack.
I told Sanji should have been injured by the calamities together because the calamities are together on the stage and they won't split up unless there is an enemy attack.
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