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So I guess, roughly, Imu-sama will sink the entire world, but somehow Shirahoshi, Luffy, and Fish-Mans will save the humans, which will make the humans' hatred for Fish-Mans, Mermaid, and Mermans disappear, thus fulfilling Joy Boya's promise.
OR Ceasar and Judge do some fucked genetic science shit to turn EVERYONE into fishmen/merfolk and saving the people... the world would still sink but hey they can live in the ocean now and/or build floating citys like Iceburgs plan for Water Seven :kayneshrug:
And the giant tree library in ohara is 5000 years old... I can't tell me that the first pirate or sea bandit, ect. happend only 900 years ago... Or doeshe mean the term "Pirate" started with Joy Boy... any thing else would be retarded :okay:
It's worse. We've seen dinosaurs in OP. Mankind, at least the normal humans, are around for at least 40 thausand years.

Amazing how they were always peaceful and friendly with each other out at sea.
Y'all don't understand the word pirate
a pirate is just someone the world government doesnt like. the world government didnt exist until 900 years ago.
Literally what I said
Come to think of it the ancient world probably was too dangerous to sail. Since Poseidon didn’t exist before the void century the mermaid princess’ power probably wasn’t known or really used much which means this could very well have been a world with neptunians running wild throughout the sea which would explain why pirates didn’t exist
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