[FNZ] Super Role Madness Pokemon Chose your own starters

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The End and the Beginning
I mean in vacuum vig claim looks good. But NAI when I’ve seen you claim vig and use your shot in a way that you can get town read for twice as scum
NAI he says. I could have shot someone like Luka and claimed it and said "woaw how could this happen :o"

I shot Yoho. Only apparently Psychic was reading him town. There is no world in which that is NAI, it's at the very minimum "town-leaning". It's simply not hard-clearing, which you're conflating with NAI for some reason..
You don't know my role and I won't claim.
I didn't ask you to claim,

On Pot thing, here
Ripped, pot, and Luka standing out some.
What is standing out to you?
The votes. Flower is screaming "im town from the word go"

Why sheep ultra on a fruitless expedition?

No just you but most of those

Ripped voted, unvoted, then voted her again, too hesitant, like "should I follow ultra, ok I will, shit this is a bad idea gotta bail, but fuck now people think that unvote looks bad gotta go back"

Yours just seem too put of the blue

Luka is the 3rd person theory
I had reason to believe that it wasn't fruitless though, it's not like Ultra tagged me and I insta voted Coach
Flower, Naomi, Juiliet, and Pyschic are my ride or dies

Ripped and Luka are my POE

Let's put pressure on em

Vote Luka
Here pot's out of PoE,

There's a chance he took Pot name out to keep sus away from her. Possible.
But the way i see it, he knew he was already on fence D1, it'd benefit him to keep his scummates in PoE, or to stay consistent atleast if Pot was a scummate.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰

And thus, the Sun Twilight, with its first ray of light, shined upon the surviving souls of this darkest night, shedding light into all the shadows that engulfed the unknown and dangerous lands.

For this new day that arises, a faint hope that the breath of life remained in all survivors thrived in everyone's hearts. For those whose thoughts were pure and devoid of ill intent, there was no better outcome than to eradicate evil after such a turbulent night. As two side of the same coin, those who delighted themselves in the misfortune of others took measures to weed out those they deemed weak. And now, a new day begins.

Team Maximum has attempted to kill ??? but failed

Shadow Punch was used to kill @Emil / Pokemon Trainer Emil


[Passive - Sturdy] After getting killed you may stay in the thread as a treestump for 1 phase.

[Active- Defense Curl] Activate this ability to make yourself rolecrush immune for a phase.(2 shot)

[Active-Rollout] Target a player and roleblock them, if you target them again rolecrush them, if you target them for the third time vanilly them for a cycle.

[Active- Rock Polish] Target a player and make their moves go first, except for kills.(2 shot)

[Active- Self Destruct] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town
Bulldoze was used on ??? and ???
Mudslap was used on ???
Hypnosis was used on ???
Transform was used on ???
Scary Face was used on ???
Curse was used on ???
Haze was used on ???
Night Slash was used on ???
Thunder wave was used on ???
Safeguard was used on ???
Trop Kick was used on ???
Headbutt was used on ???
Snowscape was used on ???, ??? and ???
Transform was used on ???
Ember was used on ???

Night 2 has ended
Day 2 has begun
You have 24 hours to discuss

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