[FNZ] Super Role Madness Pokemon Chose your own starters

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Ratchet just put them as town so…..

again read or get good Idk what to tell you lol
No. They had them as null. Stop pulling shit out of your ass
Okay guys, lets go over what Juliet has done
> I call them out for only asking questions and not making reads early game
> They deny it
> I ask them where they made reads
> They WR me
> I ask them why they WR me
> They ignore it till I ask again on N2, in which they state that "I lied multiple times" and "I have a scum POV"
> I ask them for posts showing where those two things hpapen
> They fail to provide
> I ask them how there read has changed
> They WR me for uh.. wondering why I WR them?
> They leave the thread
This is town guys!!!!!
Anybody want to respond to my case
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