Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

Will Yamato Chan join the Straw Hats

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What... Was the point of Kaido keeping Orochi around just to kill him during the Fire Festival?

He was always a non-factor from the beginning but it just seems completely unnecessary to have put up with his shit for so long just to kill him decades later...

Obviously we as readers know that Orochi isn’t dead but from a narrative standpoint it just seems silly for Kaido to do this now
Like I said, he could have kill him right after he kills Oden if he just want to take over Wano for himself.
What... Was the point of Kaido keeping Orochi around just to kill him during the Fire Festival?

He was always a non-factor from the beginning but it just seems completely unnecessary to have put up with his shit for so long just to kill him decades later...

Obviously we as readers know that Orochi isn’t dead but from a narrative standpoint it just seems silly for Kaido to do this now
Wano was a production factory for Onigashima. Kaido needed the Samurai and people of Wano on his side.


Lead them to paradise.
True but I don't see this alliance being stopped if they sail out of Wano.
They will, just now it might not be at wano.
Makes sense tho, we just got introduced to a lot of plot thread and elements. Rocks, their relationship with bb,etc.
I get this nagging feeling that this alliance will somehow get booted/leave wano, therefore freeing it and opening its borders and then getting stoped somewhere down the line.
Zoro will beat King, Sanji will beat Queen because like I said from day 1, most commanders ain't shit. Jack can't even take down Ashura Doji. Sanji got no diffed by base Doffy in Dressrosa.

Katakuri had to be turned into a living legend for him to push Luffy 100%. No other commander would have. Cracker would have been fodderized by a KKG.
An opportune moment. The fact that the marines are using resources right now to deal with Shichubukai and whatever Blackbeard is going after puts Kaido/BM at an advantage now. He was using Orochi to actually make weapons. Now the time has come for him to convert Wano to a fortress.
Kaido could have made his own connections with the WG... He has the business know-how to get weapons from the WG without seemingly acting as a co-ruler to a ignoramus like Orochi.

It just feels a wee bit forced to me....
So Kaido wants to give the control to Yamato who isn't even hiding her adoration for Oden
Biggest tard in the series lmao
You can say the same for Whitebeard, Garp, and any parent who ever wanted their kid to be something great, but their kid denied them.

The man's doing what he feels is right for his child. That's mad respect. Ain't no mf out here creating empires for their child. Ain't his fault his child a snake though. This mf about to put the whole world in War, just for his child to become the ruler of the most powerful empire.
I don't believe Orochi is dead. I mean it just doesn't make sense to kill him off now without giving Hiyori and Momo the closure they need. Plus this is Oda he never kills anyone off outside of a flashback. On another note I'm really curious to see if Caribou mentions that Shirahoshi is Poseidon to Kaido and Big Mom. Maybe they'll take a trip to Fishman Island.
What purpose is Orochi gonna serve to the plot... The "build up" was that he was a puppet of Kaido.
The main reason an incredibly prosperous land like Wano fell into the shambles that it is today is mainly because of Orochi. Kaidou is only a supporter that aided him in destroying it. It makes zero sense for someone like Orochi who has cause Wano so much strife to be disposed off so easily. Also you've gotta ask yourself the question why Oda even bothered to give a weakling like Orochi a devil fruit as rare and powerful as the yamato no orochi if he was just going to dispose of him the way he did.

With current sequence of events, I'm not really sure how Oda uses Orochi but Orochi imo still has a trump card at his disposal, which is the CP0. Who knows, we could see a situation in which Orochi allies with the marines. The current situation with the Samurai and the SH alliance going after Kaidou is very advantageous for him particularly if he's able to get some sort of marine backing

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I know a lot of times we like to get hung up on something to be mad about, but I would hold off until the chapter and even chapters further, before you lay judgement on whether Orochi is truly dead, but then again y'all already know this LOL
Wise words from a man befitting such insight...but you know this fandom overreacts to minimal information like no other :sabogood:
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