One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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So once again: What do they talk about here? Last panel of the chapter and it seems to be really important.

Sengoku: After that, Oden got poached. He’s a man that accompanied the Pirate King on his final journey.

Sakazuki: ...

Sengoku: Oden can’t possibly have any relation to the issue this time but... why exactly are the big guns so involved with Wano Country? I personally don’t think it’s just a coincidence, Sakazuki.

*initially paraphrased the final dialogue from Sengoku, but I’ve changed it to the literal translation as the nuance changes a bit I feel
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I don’t think it was that far back... Like Why would Fujitora wait 20 years to get his revenge... Seems more likely he joined the marines in the time skip specifically because of this incident
Maybe because he needs a high ranking position to make a difference. And all the admiral positions were taken up at the time.


Nah it's still Larco > Post Wano Grandmaster/Oden.
Excluding Ace, Marco had the potential to lead the WB pirates after WB's death, which he did. Unfortunately his opponent was BB.

He will.

Of course, post training Enma Zoro sure will be around Oden lv or at least when he fights King.

No, Marco is WB's strongest commander.

And who says Marco didn't improve himself after Oden left the crew? Besides, we do not know whether Oden was above his old self when he fought Kaido.
Marco is strongest commander currently but not back then
Nice try tho
Roger wanted Oden for his strength and decipher skills
Why didnt he ask Marco? Lol

Marco has nada above Oden... give it up already
Marco vs top tiers ended with him doing nothing
All he could do is block and get bruised
He was hopeless vs Akainu and teach... crying like a lil girl until shanks showed up

A typical loser
Oden hype is way above Marco. Also Oden>Oden wih roger>with wb
He grew strong

Marco csnt even burt Kizaru like Rayleigh did
So much for him having higher CoA lol
Larco is overrated he can't even hurt Akainu he would get roflstomped by any C3 at least Oden had way better DC
Marco is underrated, nobody could hurt Akainu, neither Vista nor Marco.
That's why he hold his own against Kizaru? Oden could have used all his Ryuo and life energy to scar Kaido. Thus we do not know the circumstances.

I'm pretty sure Marco will be important against Kaido.
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