One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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This topic is for posting and discussing One Piece Chapter 957 spoilers. Please be sure to read the WorstGen rules and do not speak about the spoilers outside this thread until the chapter comes out.
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One Piece Chapter 957 Spoilers

Translate by @EtenBoby
Sengoku: There’re other pirates, who later became famous, that originated from “Rocks” Pirates... “Golden Lion”, “Silver Axe”, “Captain John”, “xx”(I can’t see the last one clearly

From @PuckTheGreat
- Sakazuki/Issho Panel

Sakazuki: You’ve always wanted this right Issho? The annulment of the Shichibukai is as a result of y’all’s pessimism and although I objected to it, I won’t trample on the decision the Kings have made.

Fujitora: The necessary sacrifice to allow the Shichibukai to continue to exist?!...Sakazuki, you’ve never been one of them so I don’t expect you to understand.

Sakazuki: ...

Fujitora: All that’s left now, is to believe in the SSG. I’m sure the power/influence structure of the world will change drastically.

Issho: What in the......!!!
You said, the return of “Rocks”......!!

Sakazuki: [Don’t say it in a way as if it’s a rumor/legend...!! It’s reality...]

Quick Summary

From Redon|

My Japanese sources give me a little Spoiler. I know there's another information but all I can confirm is this.​

- All Yonkou Wanted posters (pictures + bounties) are revealed at the end of the chapter. Their bounties are around 4,000,000,000 Berries.
- Shirohige, Shiki the Golden Lion, Big Mom and Kaido was in Rox ship.
- Rox was a D.
- Garp and Gol D. Roger joined to defeat Rox.
- All wanted.
- No break next week.

  • Shanks: 4,000,000,000 de Berries.
  • Big Mom: 4,300,000,000 de Berries.
  • Kaido: 4,600,000,000 de Berries.
  • Whitebeard: 5,000,000,000 de Berries.
  • Gol D Roger: 5,500,000,000 de Berries.
Redon said:
Vegapunk, Ryokugyu, Bonney and Kuma information is FAKE.

From TalkOP|
It seems like the bounties are Shanks 4 billion, Big Mom 4.3 billion, Kaido 4.6 billion, Whitebeard 5 billion, and Roger 5.5 billion.​

From Sandman|
Information about Rox and D.​
God Valley incident (alliance between Marine and pirates)​
The reason why Garp didn't promote to Admiral​
Oden and Wano​
Bounties (already mentioned by redon)​
Source: 5ch

Hiktoj said:
An overview of the Chapter Sengoku explains to the navy the history of pirates from the beginning of the chapter to the last page. ~ There is nothing about Wano.

From @VIzard
As I see it, no one has posted yet this small info. Maybe because it's not so important either.
- The Marine in turmoil because of Big Mom and Kaido's alliance news.

From @EtenBoby
Oden was a commander on WB’s ship
From Shuhui

According to news reports, in the God Valley incident 38 years ago, the Rocks Pirates was destroyed by Marine Vice Admiral Garp.
Which is why he’s called the “Hero of Marine”, though he himself doesn’t like that title.
What really happened was: in order to protect the Celestial Dragons and their slaves, Garp and Roger worked together to defeat the Rocks Pirates.
One of the reasons Garp refuse to be promoted to admiral is that admirals are direct subordinates of the Celestial Dragons.
Marines: combined forces with the Pirate King??!
The people involved are incredible, “Celestial Dragons”, “Roger” and “Rocks” all gathered, just what happened exactly on that island?! We’ve never heard of the location “God Valley”

Sengoku: The island “God Valley”, is not recorded on the maps today
—In fact, God Valley had disappeared without a trace
EtenBoby said:
Sengoku: one of the reasons being that their relationship was so bad they don’t have a successor. Their captain, Rocks, has the ambition of becoming “king of the world”

Sengoku: There’re other pirates, who later became famous, that originated from “Rocks” Pirates... “Golden Lion”, “Silver Axe”, “Captain John”, “Ouchoku”

From @VegaPank
more spoilers:
- In the god valley event 38 years ago garp and roger defeated rocks and marines gave garp hero of the nave but garp is not satisfied with the title because of the true incident is...

Detailed Summary
Thanks to @EtenBoby
Sengoku: Kaido and Big Mom, it is true that they used to be on the same ship, however, their current strength is on a whole different level than it is 38 years ago. If the information on their “alliance” is true, then the worst pirate crew in the world is about to be borne.
Brannew!! What are the current bounties of those two?

Brannew: Oh yes, we are working on the new bounties of those who have been stripped of their Warlord position.
Let’s review all of their bounties.

—First, we have “Blackbeard”, whom people started to call an Emperor about a year ago. He obtained strong subordinates during the attack on Impel Down 2 years ago. Right now he’s the “ruler” of Pirate Island Beehive. He’s the new power that replaced Whitebeard, and he’s still growing.
The admiral of “Blackbeard Pirates”, Marshall “D” Teach!! Bounty: 2.2476 billion berries!!!

—Next, we have him who’s been call an Emperor for 6 years, the youngest of the four and he’s trusted by his subordinates.
Beckman, Roo, and Yasopp...his commanders make a name for themselves one after another. Known for having a high average bounty among the members, the crew with the best balance, a impregnable crew.
The leader of “RedHair Pirates”, “RedHair Shanks”!!! Bounty: 4.0489 billion berries!!!

Next, it is said that she attacked a village of Elbaf when she’s just a child. A natural born monster!! She is a dictator queen who doesn’t believe anything other than bloodline, and created a country of sweets known as “Totto Land” with her 85 children.
Captain of “Big Mom Pirates”, Charlotte LinLin!!!
Bounty: 4.388 billion berries!!!

And—even though he was just a “pirate apprentice” at the “Rocks Pirates”.........later his personal strength attracts the respect of groups of brutal pirates, to the point of being call an Emperor.
The General of “Beasts Pirates”, “Kaido of the Beasts”. Bounty: 4.6111 billion berries!!!

From now on, we’ll not be able to use the “Warlords” against the “Four Emperors”!! Whether the choice of omitting those poisonous ones is correct or not, is depended on the future work of SSG, the special science corp of Marine.

—By the way we’ll also review the bounties of those legenardy men.
Captain of “Whitebeard Pirates”, Edward Newgate!! Bounty: 5.046billion berries!!!

Captain of “Roger Pirates”, the “Pirate King” Gold Roger, bounty: 5.5648 billion berries!!!

"No break next week"
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