We have seen Nika and the Giants fighting Warcry, Ju Peter and Saturn. We have seen Sanji jobbing to Nusjuro. We also have seen the other Straw Hats fighting Saturn.
But why does Oda keep hiding the Gorosei from Zoro?
Maybe is it the similar reason Oda kept Zoro away when Kaido one shotted act 1 Boundman?
Considering what happened in Rooftop and all:
that would ruin Kaido's dragon skin hype and also embarrassed Boundman, made him looked like a total weakling.
Back to Gorosei, so maybe, Zoro really has the answer to Gorosei's hax / regeneration. And the answer is being attacked with Cursed Swords can stop or cripple Gorosei's regeneration.
I have played a game named Pokemon Unite. Just like Gorosei, there are pokemons with overpowered and annoying regeneration, named Goodra and Scizzor. There are also healers who can keep their teammates alive with overpowered healing like Clefable, Umbreon and Blissey.
And the counter to those regeneration / healing is items named Cursed Incense and Cursed Bangle. Said items can cripple regeneration.
So, Zoro's cursed swords is probably the answer to stop Gorosei's hax / regeneration, just like seastone can negate DF power. And since Egghead is their debut arc, naturally Oda wants to protect their hype, by keeping them away from Zoro.
@JoNdule @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Fujishiro @ZenZu @Heart pirate @Gaimon The Pirate @Kerkovian @NikaInParis @Infitima @nik87 @L57 @Marimo_420 @Foul Legacy @SakazOuki @Lee Ba Shou etc.
But why does Oda keep hiding the Gorosei from Zoro?
Maybe is it the similar reason Oda kept Zoro away when Kaido one shotted act 1 Boundman?
Considering what happened in Rooftop and all:

that would ruin Kaido's dragon skin hype and also embarrassed Boundman, made him looked like a total weakling.
Back to Gorosei, so maybe, Zoro really has the answer to Gorosei's hax / regeneration. And the answer is being attacked with Cursed Swords can stop or cripple Gorosei's regeneration.
I have played a game named Pokemon Unite. Just like Gorosei, there are pokemons with overpowered and annoying regeneration, named Goodra and Scizzor. There are also healers who can keep their teammates alive with overpowered healing like Clefable, Umbreon and Blissey.
And the counter to those regeneration / healing is items named Cursed Incense and Cursed Bangle. Said items can cripple regeneration.

So, Zoro's cursed swords is probably the answer to stop Gorosei's hax / regeneration, just like seastone can negate DF power. And since Egghead is their debut arc, naturally Oda wants to protect their hype, by keeping them away from Zoro.
@JoNdule @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Fujishiro @ZenZu @Heart pirate @Gaimon The Pirate @Kerkovian @NikaInParis @Infitima @nik87 @L57 @Marimo_420 @Foul Legacy @SakazOuki @Lee Ba Shou etc.