d1, vc2
up to #2,865


Luka - 3
Emil - 2
Orwelian - 2
CoC - 1
PB - 1
Ultra - 1
Red Night - 1
Seraph - 1
Lemon - 1
Yoho - 1
Pot - 1*

Flower: Cal > Flower > unvote > Luka > Ultra > Boa > unvote > PB
Ultra: Boa > Naomi > Orwelian > Boa > Worst > Boa > Boa > PB > Fuji > PB > Orwelian > Emil > Luka
Boa: Ultra
Luka: Fuji > Unvote > Crowned Witch > Red Night > Orwelian > Red Night
Reloaded: Flower > unvote > Boa > unvote > Emil
LM: Fuji > Orwelian > Boa > Ultra > Orwelian > Luka
Watson: Flower > Boa > unvote > TAC -> unvote > Yoho > Seraph
CoC: Boa > Boa > unvote > PB > Emil
Orwelian: Ultra
Orca: #34 > TAC > Lemon
Fuji: #34 > PB
AM: Fuji > unvote > Emil
Crowned Witch: Ratchet > Boa > unvote > TAC > CoC
Ratchet: Luka
TAC: Flower > Fuji > unvote > unvote
PB: CoC > unvote > Orwelian
Cal: Crowned Witch > Worst > PB > unvote
Worst: CoC
Naomi: Boa > unvote
YTW: TAC > unvote
Mango: TAC > Orwelian
Yoho: TAC > unvote
Charlie: Reloaded > Yoho

quotes (new ones)

counted Ultra, not other dead people, only posts with word "vote", check math




Thinking of this list, I want to test Lemon.de or TAC next

This post has me feeling it is totally fake
in what order or readings are these names even?
Ultra was mafia at the time. I'm not sure he can vote rn.
if hes immortal he shouldnt have any abilities or any thread power just a stump who can talk to create chaos best to just avoid him
I changed my Vote to Emil, but forgot to unvote you... whoops.

I'm still suspicious of you, and TAC is giving me weird vibes with his targeting of Fuji, but, I'm keeping my Vote on Emil for now. I'm going with the flow of the crowd to try and push reactions, and then judge them from there.

Calling everyone who suspects you scum doesn't sit well with me.
reads for later