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Headcanon when? Oda himself told you the eyebrow thing, he still draws it for a reason.
It makes you cope so hard that BASE sanji did that good against venus.
The bandana doesn't change a shit, the eyebrow does, not the opposite.
Sanji trasformation in those panels were not 100% completed, it is easy deduction skills, only a retard would need more confirmation.

Oda: You have keen eyes, indeed the eyebrow was changing in those chapters. It’ll take us back to Whole Cake Island but, Sanji’s siblings all have their lineage factors altered and thus are born with superhuman qualities and tough skin known as “exoskeleton”. However, due to the effort of his mother, Sanji was born as a normal human being. Let’s take a look at the siblings’ eyebrows.
Like you see their eyebrow are all opposite of Sanji’s and curved like 66. “But then, the raid suit acted as a trigger that discover the power of science inside Sanji!!” That was the gist of the fight. Even before that Sanji has this fascinating and unnatural resistance to flame
manga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
A big reason for that is because they’re stronger. They aren’t actually more important outside of that and they don’t have any more say than anyone else in the crew

Usopp has been foreshadowed to become the vice captain
Nami in general leads a lot depending on the situation. With luffy zoro and sanji all having no problem listening to her when it comes down to it

Them getting something zoro and sanji don’t isn’t the end of the world for them

King could have won if he never went down to fight zoro
Compare how dynamic Lucci vs luffy was to Lucci vs zoro

This isn’t about strength
Even if he can neg diff them together that’s not the point

The point is I want to see characters that can fly actually fly

If it’s between zoro fighting the stronger top man who can’t fly or the weaker nusjuro who might be able to I’d rather see him fight the stronger guy visually
Remember how King would've won if he didn't kick Zoro back to Onigashima, it's the most retarded fight in all of one piece

Remember how King would've won if he didn't kick Zoro back to Onigashima, it's the most retarded fight in all of one piece

Or Zoro could've just got his sword back and used that move he used before to boost himself up middle air :quest:

But i got your point, kicking Zoro back to Onigashima isn't smart at all

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Would be awesome if so, what she did here feels very Garp inspired. I hope Kizaru will showcase something similar to Kuzan with his hand to hand skills and haki usage and thus maybe he learned from Garp too as he should have and Kizaru could have trained Doll in the same way too or Garp has?

I still believe Akainu was the one to mimic and inherit Garps fighting style too, both of them are dog themed heavily and since Garp was the hero of the Marines, Akainu would see Prime Garp as the true beacon of absolute justice and "heroism" from his perspective too and thus be inspired by him imo.

Funny how Green Bull also likes to use giant fists when he attacks too. The Garp influence is real, like roots/branches spreading out. Pun intended ofc lol.
Stronger, more reliable, better leaders, more important

Yeah characters listen to the navigator when they are on sea cause her role is to ensure the ship gets from point A to point point B.

They can get a lot that Zoro and Sanji don’t, but acting like they’re the ships two leaders under Luffy is actively downplaying Zoro and Sanjis roles on the crew.
3 of those are just strength and combat related
As for better leaders sanji does get his moments tbf but that doesn’t change usopp’s potential to lead or nami’s

Nami be bossing them around in general not just when it comes to directions

Not really because it isn’t going to change anything internally much
Usopp as vice captain can mainly lead the fleet and allies. It isn’t like he’s gonna start bossing idk jinbe around
Nami is gonna be nami bossing around the monster trio in general
The fact that characters like Doll, Hibari, etc, have appeared for quite a long time, but are still perceived as new and have absolutely no personality, is really sad. Besides, I will never stop getting upset about Helmeppo's lost potential (personality)
Or Zoro could've just got his sword back and used that move he used before to boost himself up middle air :quest:

But i got your point, kicking Zoro back to Onigashima isn't smart at all
I'm mainly making fun of King for being an absolute fucking retard the whole fight, weakest and most incompetent YC1 in the series by far. Kaido's whole crew is disappointing in general but King somehow still stands out as the dumbest **** there
3 of those are just strength and combat related
As for better leaders sanji does get his moments tbf but that doesn’t change usopp’s potential to lead or nami’s

Nami be bossing them around in general not just when it comes to directions

Not really because it isn’t going to change anything internally much
Usopp as vice captain can mainly lead the fleet and allies. It isn’t like he’s gonna start bossing idk jinbe around
Nami is gonna be nami bossing around the monster trio in general
Nami bosses them around on the sea because she knows the best way to navigate the ship cause she’s a navigator.

Zoro and Sanji are the wings of the pirate king and the two leaders under Luffy. That’s why they lead groups when Luffys not around and not Usopp or Nami.

Trying to put Usopp as the vice captain and Nami as the chief of staff, two positions which mean the number two on the ship, is just downplaying Zoro and Sanjis importance because you don’t like it.
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