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Beast Pirates
Kaido (GF)

Big Mom Pirates
Big Mom (Emil)?

Caesar (Blue)?



Cross Guild (2 people)

Worst??? says he's none of them, but who knows
Primary threat levels for me rn:
Cross guild (Fang)

Things that need to be solved or resolved:
Identifying potential players as Caesar
Big Mom

Is that what our first focus should be?
anyway i don't know if i explained it well enough what i want but basically i want a legacy from you and also categories of threat levels and who you prefer to focus on the most this phase and who you can wait to focus on next phase because they aren't as big of a worry.
oh, my reads are shet

i'd say leave thinking who could be culted for later because we can't prove it anyway and there's always chance that scum is culted (happened to me once)

mafia should be priority i think since they'll have most members, idk
2: Flower
3: MangoSenpai
4: Emil
5: Kiku
6: Lord Melkor
7: Yo Tan Wa
8: Pot Goblin
9: Random Asshole
10: Polar Bear
11: Ratchet
12: Fujishiro
14: RippedCal
15: Orwellian
16: The Orca
17: Ultra
19: Mr. Reloaded
20: CoC. Color of Clowns
21: Luka
23: Alwaysmind
24: Tyrant Muugen
27: Dr. Watson
28: Naomi
29: Charlie
30: Crowned Witch
31: Mashiro Blue

gimme a sec, just need this to remember names


Lead them to paradise.
Legacy reads.

3: MangoSenpai

5: Kiku
6: Lord Melkor
7: Yo Tan Wa
8: Pot Goblin
9: Random Asshole

11: Ratchet

14: RippedCal
16: The Orca

19: Mr. Reloaded
20: CoC. Color of Clowns
21: Luka
23: Alwaysmind
24: Tyrant Muugen

27: Dr. Watson
28: Naomi
29: Charlie

30: Crowned Witch
31: Mashiro Blue

34: Flower V2
35: Worst V2

Im not counting the cult here because its a bitch to do.

2. Separate with three tiers on who you think is the most dangerous and prioritize.

Dangerous, get rid of immediately

Get rid of once those are done:
Lord Melkor
Pot Goblin
Random Asshole

3. Solidify your town reads and list them like so:

Do not lynch or touch:
Tyrant Muugen

Soft town read:
Dr. Watson
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