Maybe when I see player who I think as town I shouldn't post at all since that would make me sus.
The time to spice the game up has come to fruition
AL sama has proved loftily inconsistent thus far
> Immediately sus'ed me back trying to build off a castle of cards on air on my answer on Queen
> Had wholly ignored Light's Blue Dragon claim, only highlighting what was convenient and accomodating to him
> Is being highly secretive about his strategies, which is usually barred as weak collaboration
Its gamestyle lacks too much back bone to be deserving a Town meta
Vote Lynch AL sama
AL sama has proved loftily inconsistent thus far
> Immediately sus'ed me back trying to build off a castle of cards on air on my answer on Queen
> Had wholly ignored Light's Blue Dragon claim, only highlighting what was convenient and accomodating to him
> Is being highly secretive about his strategies, which is usually barred as weak collaboration
Its gamestyle lacks too much back bone to be deserving a Town meta
Vote Lynch AL sama