Character Discussion FINALLY Sanji in Fishman Island makes sense!


This forum is retarded.

Also OP is about that point justifying the decision which doesn't do that at all for oda.... Oda sucked with using sanji and that ain't gonna change with whatever excuses we come up with to defend him..

I think you are missing the point haterboi.
I know you from Oro Jackson, but I don't remember your takes back there so I can't judge whether you read and understand the story or not lol.

As much as I had my problems with the threadmaker, I can understand the point she makes although it's an old pair of shoes.

The thread is about Sanji's universal blood type, so my question is: what is your point about? It doesn't make sense or add anything, it is just you pushing the discussion into a direction that doesn't matter.

Details like these are supposed to make the world feel more vivid and alive. And it's supposed to overall justify a character and explain them more using a metaphoric metalevel.

Sanji having the universal blood type means, he can save lives (technically). It's worldbuilding and it means it doesn't have to appear in the story, ergo Sanji saving someone using his blood.

It is an underhanded way to build the "hero theme" onto Sanji's character. Sanji comming in clutch for example blocking an attack from Doflamingo.

His siblings follow a "Super Sentai theme". Idk how well versed you are with these popular japanese themes and stereotypes, but sometimes I feel like the average WG-poster has completely shut their eyes about these things just to justify their spite agenda.

The superhero theme continues on Wano with "Stealth Black and Soba Mask". Not only is this theme being foreshadowed with coverpages or the likes of Sora, Warrior of the Seas comics, but it literally has always been there as a theme if not neccessarily focussing on Sanji but other characters (recently Bonney/Nika).

Sanji having given this blood type is just so much of an addition to his character and the world.

One can be as dense as they want and bring the Vegapunk stuff as mucj as they want. It doesn't kill the fact that Oda used the blood type element as worldbuilding.

So I ask, what is your point?
Why do people see the need to bring spitey counter arguments that miss the discussion entirely? Just because Sanji sometimes get outwitted? Here take your cookie mate! Continue understanding the story and the elements Oda integrates. Hopefully you enjoy it and absorb everything to the fullest.

Remember there will only be one One Piece in your lifetime and it may end sooner than you might anticipate.
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Anyway lmao ya'll wylin. Let Oda have fun with Sanji.
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If anyone still misses my point:

Blood Type = Worldbuilding

Rest/Nosebleed/WhySanjiDoesntDonate = does not matter/gag

it's not a medicinal story about surgery and blood transfusion. It was a once in a lifetime thing to give FMI an unique and emotionally impactful ending.
So Oda most likely snuck in some worldbuilding into it.
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You really think oda gives two shits about this? That oda spent time looking up this shit and making sure it all matched up exactly as you said?

If some desperate sanji fan were to send this as an sbs question, oda's reply to it would be so fucking predictable.

It would be like: "Yep. I totally had it all planned and knew all this. I totally wasn't just winging it at all" Followed by

I know you from Oro Jackson, but I don't remember your takes back there so I can't judge whether you read and understand the story or not lol.
I was a oda believer at that time :milaugh: Or rather I had impression made that he was top 1 guy, but couldn't lie to myself much....
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The thread is about Sanji's universal blood type, so my question is: what is your point about? It doesn't make sense or add anything, it is just you pushing the discussion into a direction that doesn't matter.
The point OP is making is oda intentionally made the nose bleeding stuff as a plot point which is not really the case. The blood type mattered but...It's not even essential....

Only plot point made was to establish that there is hatred between fish and human and they don't allow transfusion blood..... Plot point was made important due to fisher tiger and to improve relationship between fishmen with jinbe giving blood...
Now for this plot sanjis blood type doesn't matter infact if he was a universal donor chopper could have asked him to donate or asked those gay dudes.... But that was not odas idea he just wanted to make a point that fishman did not want to share blood due to hatred... All that he could have done without all that sanji shenanigans because the major impact regarding the blood plot was from fisher tigers story.... So trying to say it's all online with sanji and his character and oda planned everything is just cope..... Or have to accept that there were major plot holes which cheapens thr impact of jinbe giving luffy blood..Imagine what they were going to do in thriller bark and now can't even share blood or chopper even mention it... It's because he did not think about this donor stuff... . . Especially when it requires all those deduction and I elimination...
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This forum is retarded.
I was a oda believer at that time :milaugh: Or rather I had impression made that he was top 1 guy, but couldn't lie to myself much....
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The point OP is making is oda intentionally made the nose bleeding stuff as a plot point which is not really the case. The blood type mattered but...It's not even essential....

Only plot point made was to establish that there is hatred between fish and human and they don't allow transfusion blood..... Plot point was made important due to fisher tiger and to improve relationship between fishmen with jinbe giving blood...
Now for this plot sanjis blood type doesn't matter infact if he was a universal donor chopper could have asked him to donate or asked those gay dudes.... But that was not odas idea he just wanted to make a point that fishman did not want to share blood due to hatred... All that he could have done without all that sanji shenanigans because the major impact regarding the blood plot was from fisher tigers story.... So trying to say it's all online with sanji and his character and oda planned everything is just cope..... Or have to accept that there were major plot holes which cheapens thr impact of jinbe giving luffy blood..
That's somewhat reasonable.

Cope or not. I couldnt care eitherwise.
It was a good post to bait some haterbois and nonbelievers, even tho it could have been unintended by OP.

Now that we have a full picture it may even look like a valid theory, even tho I personally agree it's all gags with hidden worldbuilding.
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Now for this plot sanjis blood type doesn't matter infact if he was a universal donor chopper could have asked him to donate or asked those gay dudes....
They could have donated to Luffy. That's the point. So Oda had to give a reason that Sanji couldn't be around or have the ability to donate so only Jinbe would be available.

He worked it into Sanji's gag for a double meaning and to show the amount of suffering he went through for 2 years. But it's still the same reasoning. You can't donate if you just had a transfusion or gave one. Thus he wrapped Sanji and those guys up to make sure they weren't an obstacle or plot hole.

I wouldn't know if it was old I didn't get into the series until 2018. And while I searched it to see, no one mentioned inferring Luffy's RH- status.
Only the very few strongest carry that blood type
Not relevant to this topic but if we go further into blood types, it supports my Sanji as a D theory too.

The Ds we know so far are either S or F. Never X or XF.

Sanji and his siblings are S RH-. Judge S. But curiously enough Oda made Reiju F.
Once again by how blood types work, this means a parent had to be F. Leaving Sora who wasn't mentioned by Oda as F. Both blood types of the D.
It was the only way to do that without effecting sanjis portrayal in his strength
Oda could have created a situation where Sanji gives his blood to a mermaid that was hurt by Hody and/or his men, explaining why he could not give his blood to Luffy.
This would still have highlighted his chivalry, without affecting his “strenght portrayal” and spare us a ridiculous pervert gag.
Oda could have created a situation where Sanji gives his blood to a mermaid that was hurt by Hody and/or his men, explaining why he could not give his blood to Luffy.
This would still have highlighted his chivalry, without affecting his “strenght portrayal” and spare us a ridiculous pervert gag.
Well let’s be real here pervert gag happens in many manga including dragon ball and oda tends to do a lot of gags in one piece
Yeah and that’s why there is no need to sugarcoat it.
Oda made the gag because it found it funny, not because he was playing 4D chess.
Both don't need to exclude each other.

He did both. He needed a reason Sanji couldn't donate, and so worked it into his gag for fun as well.
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