Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

Sanji and Luffy fans are delusion as always.

We learned from Saturn that the Gorosei don't care about taking hits or damage from attacks. If they face an attack that concerns them they will block or invaded.

Nusjuro didn't care about Sanji's attack. The same as Saturn not caring about Bonnie or Franky's attack. To them those attacks were mosquito bites that don't itch.

When Zoro attacked Nusjuro he blocked the attack. That's proof he was concerned about Zoro's attack and power. That was only time on a Gorosei cared to block an attack. That tells us Zoro has very powerful haki.

That's not the first time Zoro has showed incredibly powerful haki. He blocked hakai and scarred Kaido with only CoA at 15% power. Hi new sword style scared and scarred character harder to damage than title. Yet, delusional fans want us to believe Zoro power would it did the same to Luffy as Sanji's.

Zoro's KoH DD would cut through G5 tankman and oneshot Luffy.
Buddy, Lanji is a weakling, he's not a benchmark for anything strength related and he 100% contributed the least in the combo with his fraudulent non blue flame and his barely existent haki.

The strawhats need to send the Gorosei flying? Easy, Zoro already did that to a blocking Gorosei, even S-Hawk sent a blocking Yonko flying.
Blud doesn't know basic physics
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As it stands, Sanji's IJ: Hell Memories couldn't even damage hakiless Luffy
It has factually hurt him more than 99% of the attacks he received in Gear 5, and he is Fuusen mode, which is always supposed to be super tanky and defensive.

You can cope freely tho idc
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Sanji and Luffy fans are delusion as always.

We learned from Saturn that the Gorosei don't care about taking hits or damage from attacks. If they face an attack that concerns them they will block or invaded.

Nusjuro didn't care about Sanji's attack. The same as Saturn not caring about Bonnie or Franky's attack. To them those attacks were mosquito bites that don't itch.

When Zoro attacked Nusjuro he blocked the attack. That's proof he was concerned about Zoro's attack and power. That was only time on a Gorosei cared to block an attack. That tells us Zoro has very powerful haki.

That's not the first time Zoro has showed incredibly powerful haki. He blocked hakai and scarred Kaido with only CoA at 15% power. Hi new sword style scared and scarred character harder to damage than title. Yet, delusional fans want us to believe Zoro power would it did the same to Luffy as Sanji's.
What is the Zoro fans agendas without massive headcanons