Vivre Card: Information Thread

Let's not forget that Vivre Card Databook is fully canon
Whatever Oda puts his official approval on has official value, no matter who wrote it, this is something people should deal with

Fun fact, 99% times the Vivre Card does nothing bar re-state what the manga or SBS already stated, so basically nothing new
And in the 1% the Vivre Card reveals info that is totally canon, like Morgans having eaten a DF, Roger's sword being named Ace, etc (all first revealed in Vivre Card... then Oda confirms in SBS)


Official Vivre Card page dedicated to fixing eventual mistakes

Oda himself directly acknowledges all databooks as a reliable source of information, that he encourages people to use
But sure, some fans know better than Oda, right? The Greg guy who might be Oda's 939593748th helper knows better than Oda, right?

oh cool
Then you will have additional information about Dragon Damnation and Bouef burst. in addition to more information about the exoskeleton and Zoro's CoC.

I hope this Zoro vs Lucci panel definitively proves that Zoro was using his en-ou style
Zoro vs Lucci panel with prove the direct opposite. That Zoro can use flames without it being KoH. If Lucci could handle KoH Zoro than he would have overpowered 2 swords CoA haki Zoro, but he couldn't.
buh buh buh Sanji kun stood next to Zoro on one panel :BrokenPepe
Zoro's Vivre Card

- N2 status confirmed for the 8493537th time
- Adv CoC
- The factual vice captain
- Destroys Lunarian god survivor YC1 King in head-on clash
- Fight vs Top WG agent Lucci

Sanjino's Vivre Card

- "Power of Love Cringe" (can't save Vegapunk from Kizaru)
- Woman obsession
- Fight vs sneak attack on YC2 fatass dinosaur
- Side by side leech from Zoro

Just perfect :kuzanshut:

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:


Largest Paragraph in White Text:
ワノ国鬼ヶ島に討入りしたゾ口は、カイドウ&リンリンとの交戦を経て、百 獣海賊団の大看板キングとの一騎打ちに挑んだ。戦いの最中、自身の出自を悟り、ゾロは「閻魔」を服従させキングを撃破。「地獄の王」になると誓う。エッグヘッドでは熟睡中に襲撃を受けながらも、過去に苦戦したルッチやカクに対し、四皇のNo. 2としての格を見せつける。

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覇気を吸い取る光月おでんの愛刀を従え、放つ「閻王三刀龍」!! 見事キングを討ち取る。

Yellow Text:

The Four Emperors' "Straw Hat" No.2!! Charging towards the King of Hell with Santoryū!!

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Zoro, who infiltrated Onigashima in Wano Country, after battling Kaido and Linlin, challenged King, the lead performer of the Beasts Pirates, to a one-on-one duel. In the midst of battle, realizing his origins, Zoro subdues Enma and defeats King. He vows to become the "King of Hell." Even while being attacked in his sleep on Egghead, he shows his status as the No. 2 of the Four Emperors against Lucci and Kaku, whom he had struggled with in the past.

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【Conqueror's Haki Potential】
During the battle on Onigashima, a black flash came from Zoro's sword. Does he have the qualities of a Supreme Ruler...!?

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Even when facing CP0 Lucci, he fights on equal terms.

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Worried about Vivi's safety, he scolds his bewildered comrades. It's Zoro's role to provide the strictness that the captain lacks.

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Wielding Kozuki Oden's beloved sword that absorbs Haki, he unleashes "En-Ō Santoryu"!! Successfully taking down King.

Note: Zoro still isn't confirmed to have Conqueror's haki in the Vivre Card.

Santōryū is a pun on Santoryu, meaning Three Sword Dragon.
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Raw Japanese Kanji-

Yellow Text:
激しさを増す愛の炎! 不変の"騎士道"で女を守る!!

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Yellow Text:
The flames of love grow fiercer! Protecting women with unwavering "chivalry"!!

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On Onigashima, Sanji sensed signs of becoming a ruthless "warrior of science." He destroyed the Raid Suit, believed to be the cause, bid farewell to Germa and the women's bath, and defeated Queen with his own body. The chivalry he upheld shone through at Egghead as well. He instantly responded to Nami's scream and saved Bonney, an enemy, without hesitation, rescuing those (mainly women) he needed to protect. Despite being unscientific, the "power of love" acknowledged by Vegapunk continues to burn even hotter in the "future"!

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【Eyebrows and Lineage Factor】
Due to the effects of lineage factor manipulation, his eyebrows often turn in the opposite direction, becoming similar to those of his brothers...

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By combining the "exoskeleton" gained from wearing the suit with his honed Armament Haki, he has mastered even more resilient and high-temperature kicking techniques.

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Acknowledging Zoro's strength and trusting him deeply, he entrusted his and his comrades' lives to Zoro in case he ever went out of control.

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Sanji, while empathetic towards Bonney's feelings for her "father," desperately tries to soothe her. His gentle heart remains unyielding to the power of science (Vivre Card).
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Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

奇想天外! 響く鼓動と笑い声!! "夜明け"を照らす"解放の戦士"!!

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超巨大化もお手の物! 地面をめくり上げて防御壁を作り、雷をつかんで投げつける!!戦い方は変幻自在!!

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Yellow Text:

Fantastic and extraordinary! The sound of heartbeats and laughter resounds!! The "Warrior of Liberation" who lights up the "Dawn"!!

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A power that suddenly manifested on the brink of life and death. The other name of the Gomu Gomu no Mi is the Zoan-type "Hito Hito no Mi" Mythical Model "Nika." His entire body takes on a mystical white appearance, resembling the "Sun God" who once fought freely and brought smiles to people’s faces. This awakening grants his rubber body even greater "strength" and "freedom." This most whimsical power, surpassing the imagination of all, is the "pinnacle" that Luffy envisions---!!

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【Drums of Liberation】
The unique drumming sound when "Gear 5" is activated eerily resembles the festival music from feasts familiar to Luffy.

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It can also become super gigantic! It creates defensive walls by tearing up the ground and throws lightning! Its fighting style is ever-changing!

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The appearance of "Nika" is the first in 800 years. It is said to resemble the figure of a god that was erased from history.

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Due to its extraordinary power, the strain and backlash are immense, causing it to appear like an old man in an instant.

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The same heartbeat as Joy Boy from 800 years ago. The sound, which hinted at the return of an old companion, made Zunesha's heart race (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:


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理想の船を建造し、ルフィ達と航海を続けるフランキー。未来国・バルジモアで得た知識 を元に自身を強化し、ワノ国では"四皇"幹部を撃破した。そし てエッグヘッドで憧れのベガパンクと対 面!この出会いが、さらなる進化の呼び水に?

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かつて設計図を燃やした古代兵器の実物が、 ワノ国地下に実在した事を知り驚愕。

Yellow Text:

A shipwright aiming for "the ends of the world" who saw the future in the genius of science!!

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Building his ideal ship and continuing the voyage with Luffy and the others, Franky. Using the knowledge he gained in the futuristic country of Baldimore, he enhanced himself and defeated an executive of the "Four Emperors" in Wano Country. And now, he meets his idol Vegapunk in Egghead! Could this encounter be the catalyst for even further evolution?

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【Friendship Born from Fierce Battle】
Upon seeing S-Shark's abilities, he tearfully worried about the safety of his brother-in-arms, with whom he had connected through fierce battles.

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He cannot hide his excitement about meeting the world's greatest mind and beginning a journey together.

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The combined robot, which sublimated the "weapon-like" inventions of the young Vegapunk, can even knock out dinosaurs!

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He was astonished to learn that the actual ancient weapon, whose blueprints he once burned, existed underground in Wano Country (Vivre Card).

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Yellow Text:

凍れる剣技と熱き魂! 骨身を震わすソウルキング!!

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ワノ国の妖怪達を、黄泉の冷気で剣戟一閃! だが、当の本人はオバケが大の苦手だ。

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Yellow Text:

Frozen swordsmanship and a passionate soul! The Soul King that shakes your very bones!!

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Within Onigashima Castle, he and Robin cleared out the enemy forces. Amidst the burning castle, he desperately protected the exhausted Robin. Upon arriving at Future Island, he let his younger companions, who were excited by the advanced technology, disembark first while he stayed to watch the ship. Cheerful yet calmly assessing the situation, he is a cool and gentlemanly skeleton.

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【Total annihilation is a trauma】
Kizaru, who was the trigger for the complete collapse of the crew, is someone he does not want to remember. Especially since he has experienced the annihilation of his group in the past.

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While guarding the ship with Zoro, he also confronted the CPO attempting to infiltrate Egghead.

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At the grand banquet after the decisive battle in Wano Country, the live performance with Hiyori was a huge success!!

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He slashes through the yokai of Wano Country with the cold air of the underworld! However, he himself is very afraid of ghosts.

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While fighting S-Shark, even after having his head blown off, he kept a clear eye on the battle situation (Vivre Card).
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Base Luffy translations coming.
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Raw Japanese Kanji-
カイドウを倒しワノ国平定!! 新たな"四皇"の一角へ...!!

[size=large]鬼ヶ島の討入りは、見る者全てを驚愕せしめた"麦わらのルフィ"の一撃で、ついに落着。長年ワノ国に君臨したカイドウ討伐。その報は瞬く間に 世界を駆け、ルフィは一躍新四皇に据えられる。ワノ国に別れを告げ、辿り着いたエッグヘッド。Dr. ベガバンクに遭遇したルフィは、その暗殺を目論むCPOのロブ・ルッチ、海軍大将黄猿と再戦。2年前とは比較にならないほどの実力を披露する。[/size]

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2年前は逃走一択だった黄猿。ばいつえ だが今のルフィは100倍強ェぞ!!

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Defeating Kaido and pacifying Wano Country!! Becoming one of the new "Four Emperors"...!!

[size=large]The raid on Onigashima, with a blow from "Straw Hat Luffy" that astonished all who witnessed it, has finally come to an end. The defeat of Kaido, who had reigned over Wano Country for many years, quickly spread across the world, and Luffy was instantly recognized as one of the new Four Emperors. Bidding farewell to Wano Country, Luffy arrived at Egghead. There, he encountered Dr. Vegapunk and faced off again against CP0's Rob Lucci and Admiral Kizaru, showcasing a level of power incomparable to two years ago.[/size]

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【Dream's End】
After departing from Wano Country, Luffy spoke about his "dream's end" for the first time. What is the "truth" revealed through the reactions of his crewmates?[/box]

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Even after reaching the rank of one of the Four Emperors, Luffy is still scolded by Nami and deeply reflects on his actions as usual.

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Until now, Luffy had always been someone's "younger brother," but for the first time, he found someone who felt like a "younger brother" to him.

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Two years ago, Luffy's only option was to flee from Kizaru. He's incredibly strong, but the current Luffy is 100 times stronger!

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A future of dreams through science. Even if it doesn't immediately make sense, I understand that it's a good thing (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Timeline at Bottom:

Before 00: 鬼ヶ島討入りに参加カイドウと一騎打ち
Before 00: "ギア5"を発動しカイドウに勝利
Before 00: 懸賞金が30億良となり四皇の一角に
Before 00: 仲間に自分の"夢の果て"を語る
Before 00: ボニーと遭遇しエッグヘッドに上陸
Before 00: CPOロブ・ルッチと再戦し"ギア5"で圧倒する
Before 00:「欲」を肩にエッグヘッドに立てこもる
Before 00: 黄猿と再戦し互角以上に渡り合う

Timeline at Bottom:

Before 00: Participates in the raid on Onigashima and fights Kaido one-on-one.
Before 00: Activates "Gear 5" and defeats Kaido.
Before 00: Bounty rises to 3 billion Berries, making him one of the Four Emperors.
Before 00: Shares his "Dream's End" with his comrades.
Before 00: Encounters Bonney and lands on Egghead.
Before 00: Re-matches CP0's Rob Lucci and overwhelms him with "Gear 5."
Before 00: Barricades himself in Egghead, using "Greed" as a shield.
Before 00: Re-matches Kizaru and fights him on equal or better terms (Vivre Card).

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Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

幾多の死線越えて! 志すは"勇敢なる海の戦士"!!

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かつては逃げ回ってばかりの臆病者だったが、仲間の勇敢な戦いに触発され、持ち前のしぶとさを生かして奮戦。今ではパワーアップしたパチンコや、ポップグリーンを駆使して戦い、時に頼もしさすら感じさせる存在に成長した。鬼ヶ島ではお玉の能力で形勢を逆転する作戦を手伝うなど、一味の中でも頭脳プレーとくい を得意とする。

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次の目的地が、憧れである巨人達の故郷・エルバフと知り歓喜! リトルガーデン出航時に披露した歌を再び合唱。

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身を捨てる覚悟で力を生み 出す侍達と対照的に、生への執念がウソップの原動力だ。

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Yellow Text:

Having crossed numerous deadly battles! Striving to become a "brave warrior of the sea!"

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Once a coward who constantly ran away, he was inspired by his comrades' brave fights and fought valiantly, utilizing his innate tenacity. Now, he has grown into a presence that sometimes even inspires confidence, using his enhanced slingshot and Pop Greens in battle. On Onigashima, he contributed to a strategy to turn the tide of battle using Otama's abilities, showcasing his knack for strategic play among the crew.

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【Dreamed-of Giant Island】
He is overjoyed to learn that the next destination is Elbaf, the homeland of the giants he admires! He once again sings the song he performed when they set sail from Little Garden.

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During the hostage situation, he played an active role in communications by skillfully using the Den Den Mushi.

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In contrast to the samurai who gain strength through a willingness to sacrifice themselves, Usopp's driving force is his tenacity for survival.

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He fights by utilizing his sniping skills, such as putting guards to sleep and attacking large groups at once (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:


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鬼ヶ島の戦いで大看板クイーンの極悪非道なウイルスを前に誰もが絶望する中、全員を救う為に奮闘。持ち前の知識を活 かし、的確な指示と機転でピンチを乗り切った。エッグヘッド上陸後は未来の技術に大興奮し、特に医療の発展に強い関心を抱いている。また、ボニーの失神を一番に心配したり、アトラスの治療を試みたりと、敵味方関係なく癒そうとする優しく熱い心の持ち主だ!!!!

Top Left Box next to Panel:
好奇心のままに何でもうきうきで装着! お玉に貰った編笠があれば、吹雪もバッチリ!?

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未来の医療技術である人工臓器の発明に、思わず感 涙!! ベガパンクの思い描く「脳」の共有にも、医学の発展を感じて心を躍らせた。

Yellow Text:

A kind-hearted, small ship doctor excited about the future of medicine!!

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During the battle on Onigashima, while everyone despaired in the face of Queen's wicked and brutal virus, he fought valiantly to save everyone. Utilizing his innate knowledge, he overcame the crisis with precise instructions and quick thinking. After landing on Egghead, he was ecstatic about future technologies, showing a strong interest particularly in the development of medicine. He is a kind and passionate individual who tries to heal others regardless of being friend or foe, evident in how he was the first to worry about Bonney's fainting and attempted to treat Atlas.

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【Quick to Try New Items】
Wearing anything with excitement, driven by curiosity! With the woven hat given by Otama, you're all set even for a blizzard!?

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The bold idea of creating a virus based on antibodies, aerosolizing it, and dispersing it saved the infected.

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Due to the side effect of extending the gigantification time to 30 minutes, he has ended up in a rather incongruous state, looking like a baby but speaking like an old man.

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Moved to tears by the invention of artificial organs, a future medical technology!! The idea of sharing a "brain" as envisioned by Vegapunk also excited me, making me feel the advancement of medical science (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
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ジニーの娘で、くまに育てられたポニー。母の命を蝕んだ"青玉鱗"に翻弄されながらも、完治後の父との旅を夢見た。Dr. ベガパンクの協力により2年半前に病を克服。出航を果たしたボニーは、変わり果てた父を救う為に、聖地マリージョアを経てエッグヘッドへ。そしてべ ガパンクの下、くまの記憶を、そしてその深い愛を知った。

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A girl with a voracious appetite, carrying the fate of searching for her father, sets out to sea!!

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Bonney, the daughter of Ginny and raised by Kuma. Despite being tormented by the "Blue Sapphire Scale" that consumed her mother's life, she dreamed of traveling with her father once she recovered. With the cooperation of Dr. Vegapunk, she overcame her illness two and a half years ago. Bonney set sail and, to save her transformed father, went through the Holy Land of Mary Geoise to Egghead. There, under Vegapunk, she learned about Kuma's memories and his deep love.

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【Actual Age】
Bonney set out to sea at the age of 9. And her current actual age is 12.

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A technique that embodies future potential. The younger the person, the more limitless the potential. Especially for a 12-year-old like Bonney.

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Using the power of the Toshi Toshi no Mi, she shoots at her target. The attack gradually causes the target to dissolve and turn into a skeleton while still alive, providing a near-death experience.

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In the laboratory at Egghead, she finally touched her father's "memories."

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"Blue Gem Scales" cause the skin to petrify with exposure to natural light or the passage of time. The father called the one that appeared on his daughter's cheek a jewel.

Bonney is a confirmed armament haki user (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

嵐の中も自由自在! 仲間を支える屈強な操舵手!!

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魚人の歴史を侮辱された怒りが放つ奥義! 空気中の水を支配し、衝撃波を生み四皇幹部を撃破!!

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:
溺れるルフィ達を得意の泳ぎで迅速に救出! 能力者の多い一味には欠かせない頼れる存在だ。

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Yellow Text:

Free and unfazed even in a storm! A sturdy helmsman who supports his comrades!!

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During the raid on Onigashima, he actively supported his comrades with perfect situational awareness and helped Raizo extinguish the fires inside the castle, proving himself to be a crucial behind-the-scenes force. Moreover, he displayed a warm and loyal side, never tolerating insults toward his comrades or race. In the waters near Egghead, he rescued a drowning comrade, acting as a reliable leader and pillar of the crew!!!

Top Left Box next to Panel: 【Subtle Consideration】
He entrusted Bonney, whom he had been carrying until a moment ago, to Chopper, and took on the heavier Atlas. His silent consideration is also one of his charms![/box]

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An ultimate technique unleashed by the anger of having the history of the Fish-Men insulted! He controls the water in the air to create shockwaves and defeats a Yonko executive!!

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He swiftly rescues the drowning Luffy and others with his exceptional swimming skills! He is an indispensable and reliable member of the crew, especially with so many Devil Fruit users.

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Even when dealing with the Seraphim, he shows a gentle and composed demeanor, expressing his gratitude politely (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

好きなものはお金と子供とみかん! 強力な"相棒"と戦う航海士!!

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Top Left Box next to Panel:
仲間を苦しめた敵には容赦なし! 負傷したルッチ達に怒りの制裁を試みる。

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Loves money, children, and tangerines! The navigator who fights alongside her powerful "partners"!!

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Nami, enraged by Ulti for hurting Otama, faced her with the "Clima-Tact" enhanced by Zeus, achieving victory in Wano Country and gaining a valuable "partner." Though filled with compassion for children, this sometimes worked against her, as seen when she couldn't bring herself to fully fight S-Shark at Egghead, leading to a dangerous situation. Her unending love for treasure hunting remains as strong as ever, even more so under Vegapunk's influence.

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【Avenging Robin!?】
No mercy for enemies who torment her comrades! She attempts to deliver a furious punishment to the injured Lucci and his team.

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With a soul infused, the "Clima-Tact" can change shape at Zeus' will. It can alter the path of lightning, enhancing its attack power.

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Facing enemies who appear as young comrades, she struggles with inner conflict. Despite trying to convince herself to attack, she cannot fully dispel her hesitation (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-

Yellow Text:
過去の声を受け止めて... 大切な仲間と"未来"を生きる!

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自身と複数の手を巨大に咲 さかせる新技。体力の消耗は激しいが仲間の為なら厭わない。


Yellow Text:
Embracing the voices of the past... living the "future" with cherished comrades!

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After defeating Black Maria, Robin encountered Sukiyaki in Wano Country. She learned the whereabouts of the "Road Poneglyph" and the mystery of "Pluton." At Egghead, she pursued the "truth" by discussing the hypothesis of the "Void Century." Learning about the Battle of Ohara and the past of Vegapunk and others who inherited its will, she shed tears. With a heart full of precious history and gratitude, Robin steps forward into the adventures of the "future."

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【Deep Trust and Calm Heart】
Reading Sanji's actions, she instantly judges what needs to be done. Even in the midst of chaos, she is always calm.

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The ones who protected the legacy left by the scholars were Vegapunk, Dragon, and a certain member of the giant race. Tears and smiles spill over at the realization that a benefactor they remember is still alive.

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A new technique allows her to bloom multiple giant versions of herself and her hands. While it heavily drains her stamina, she doesn't mind as long as it's for her comrades (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

燃え上がる革命の炎! 世界を揺るがず"炎帝"!!

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"世界会議"での誤報がサボを"炎帝"として英雄に 仕立て上げ、世界中で革命の狼煙が上がり始めた。

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Yellow Text:

The flames of revolution blaze up! The "Flame Emperor" that shakes the world!!

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To defeat the Celestial Dragons and spark a revolution in the world, he infiltrated the Holy Land and declared war on the Celestial Dragons. Accused of regicide and reluctantly exalted as the "Flame Emperor," he felt the rising morale of the people towards the revolution and accepted the title. Despite witnessing the world's darkness and becoming a fugitive, he remains undaunted. His resolve for revolution grows firmer as he continues to move forward!!

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【A Life Surrounded by "D"】
In addition to Luffy, Ace, and Dragon, he has now come into contact with King Cobra as well. Is this extraordinary fate a coincidence, or perhaps...

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The false reports from the "Reverie" have made Sabo into a hero known as the "Flame Emperor," igniting the flames of revolution across the world.

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With the techniques inherited from Ace, he is poised to seize the top of the world!!

Sabo has an updated bounty of unknown Berries (Vivre Card).
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Here Zoro's VC Second Page Translated (the first page was already done by someone else) :

"The Number 2 of the Yonkou Mugiwara!

He is on the path to become the King of Hell with his Santoryu!

After opening the hostilities against Kaido and Linlin during the raid of Onigashima in Wano Country, Zoro faced King, one of the All Stars of the Beast Pirates, in a 1 vs 1 fight. During the fight, he finally understands his origins and destroys King by taming Enma. He swears to become the "King of Hell".
In Egghead, even if he was deeply asleep, he defends himself against a surprise assault. As the 2nd of a Yonkou, he flaunts his strength to Kaku and Lucci with whom he had lots of issues in the past. "

- The qualities of a Supreme Ruler (Haoushoku) !!
During the battle of Onigashima, black lightning appeared from Zoro's swords. Does he have the potential to become a King ?

- Even against the CPO Lucci, Zoro fights with him on equal ground.

- Zoro scolds his aggressive comrades who are worried about the situation and Vivi's safety. Zoro's role is to compensate the discipline/harshness that the captain lacks.

- While carrying Kouzuki Oden's favorite katana, which absorbs haki, Zoro deploys his attack "Enou Santouryu". He splendidly slays King.

History :
- He participates to the Onigashima's raid and fights Kaido and Linlin.
- After being seriously injured during the Rooftop battle, he recovers thanks to the secret Mink medicine.
- During his fight with the All Stars King, he understands his origins.
- He defeats the All Stars King with his attacks "Enou Santoryu".
- He listens to Luffy's "final dream".
- Together with Brook, they land with the ship later on Egghead.
- Together with Luffy, the CP0' Lucci and Kaku, they fight against the Seraphims.
- He fights the CPO Lucci.

The Gallery memo is about what he wears on Egghead.
I will do the most requested VCs when I have the time.
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