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and btw, just remember, sanji don't need any legendary weapon to stop an admiral strongest attack. ODA had to nerf sanji somehow so zoro can be at least equal in terms of power because if you talk about speed, lmao.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Doffy vs Queen is a hard fight and Doffy will have a lot of problems trying to fight him tbh
But against people like King or Ace it's a pretty clear loss for him
Anyway, yeah, he's definitely not touching an Admiral or Yonko.
The only people who think that are the people who think Kuzan telling Smoker to send an Admiral after him actually means Doffy is Admiral level
Doffy's power really depends on if Bird Cage is a Move that constantly drains energy, or only takes one usage of energy.

If Doflamingo only needed to use one burst of energy to make the Bird Cage, he's not that strong, and the technique itself is busted. If Doflamingo needed to use energy to maintain the Bird Cage the entire time it was up, and was fighting while draining energy to keep the Bird Cage up, Doflamingo actually has a claim to be on a high Yonkou Commander Level, because he would have been fighting Law and Luffy after casting it.

If Doflamingo was fighting Gear 4 Luffy WHILE using energy to maintain the Bird Cage, Doflamingo is much more powerful than he's been given credit for.

Would love to find something proving whether or not Doffy had to use energy to maintain the Bird Cage.
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