He's too much of a bitch to challenge the other Yonkos or anyone remotely "as strong" as him and not seek help from the biggest evil and tyrants in the One Piece world. Mans a walking self righteous, two faced, spineless hypocrite.
Hes so powerful, he needs his crew to back him up all the time except when he goes to give the Gorosei sloppy toppies. Do they even know what he was up to? Are they complicit and as corrupt as him?
I would say Roger should be ashamed of him but Roger defended the Incestial Dragons and that is unforgivable. Defending literal oppressors and enslavers, "freedom for me but not for thee".
I knew Roger and Shanks were too good to be true, I thought the rumours about Roger slaughtering crews were BS but they make more sense now.
Shanks' death scene gonna be great.
Red-haired Shanks? Red from all the bloodshed clearly.