What would even be the point of Bonney punching Saturn?

Saturn already got clobbered by kuma. That was perfect.

Then the condom punches Saturn FOR Bonny at her request/in her place. So the narrative moment is already fulfilled.

Then Saturn got clowned on by the weak trio and Brook.

And now Bonney punches him AGAIN? For what?

We know he ain't dying here. So just another empty gesture to extend the already bloated mini arc.

And kinda ruins the moment cause we know he ain't even gonna feel the effect of the punch for more than a second or two.

For fucks sake, Egghead is now longer than fucking Alabasta...

Oda has lost the plot completely.
we know there will be another moment as well cause last chapter Saturn looking at Bonney and Kuma

Oda is stretching this shit out for 2 fucking years now