A little context first about my work on Carrot (you can skip that but its important to understand why I share those specific videos) :
You guys need to understand that I have worked on the character of Carrot for almost 8 years ! NOT because Carrot is cute or because she is a furry or a rabbit, no, I don't really care about those stuff. I worked on that character because it arrived at a moment when I was studying intensly the storytelling methodology of Oda to better my own work and projects and she felt really special for a reason that I didn't understand on the spot.
So I got curious and I jumped on the Nakama train out of circounstance. Through the theory of Carrot joining the crew I developped a LOT of "CarrotforNakama" arguments famously known in the Carrot fanbase on internet. Such as the parallels between Jinbe and Carrot, the Dawn symbolism of the character, the fact that Carrot could die and revive because of the myth of the Lunar rabbit or the thematic of wonder surrounding her as much in term of characterization than in her story or her symbolism. But I restricted myself !!
Indeed, my analysis of Carrot's story has always been very COLD. My interest was ONLY the present storyline of Carrot until her potential joining of the crew. I refused to theorized too much about her potential future or potential arc since it felt too removed from the hypothesis of the start. Plus, my reasonning MOSTLY stood on narrative facts, either explicited or implicited of the arc where Carrot was present (Zou, Totland, Wano). You can find a lot of those thoughts all around the two nakama threads. I rarely went on tengeant in speculative and theorizing mode looking at potential clues that could be completely unrelated to her story at first glance.
The reason for that is that I prefer to analyse rather than theorize.