Questions & Mysteries If the roles were reversed, how much percentage the same would've happened?

In Dressrosa: Sabo fought Burgess and Luffy fought Doffy, if Sabo was the one to fight Doffy and Luffy fights Burgess, how much percentage Sabo and Luffy would come out victorious?

In Wano: Law and Kidd fought Big Mom and Luffy fought Kaido (with some help of some people like Yamato who fought along with him in his Gear 4, and also Law and Kidd and Zoro who scarred him, and like when Luffy clashed with Big Mom in his Gear 4), if Luffy fought Big Mom and both Law and Kidd fought Kaido, how much percentage the outcome would be the same?
Sabo was throwing hands with casual Issho and even making him struggle to block kicks. Doffy knew he'd get packed by casual Kuzan as well as casual Kaido and never tried to fight top tiers like them.
Plus Sabo as far better portrayal
"and then its like Issho never tried and Sabo totally completely struggled for real like it was in my mind and also in reality and then Kuzan came and also Doffy had plenty of time to waste on another 10d battle and he pussied out and thats also not just in my head and was also very real and my post makes sense and its not biased selective reading paired with headcanon"

jfc delete your account already

Sabo fought Burgess and Luffy fought Doffy
Burgess in DR was a joke. Luffy would have wrecked him with slightly more effort than Sabo.
Sabo vs Doffy could go either way if we leave out Law. Lets assume the situation is the same.
Sabo struggles way less than Luffy vs post-GK Doffy.

if Luffy fought Big Mom and both Law and Kidd fought Kaido, how much percentage the outcome would be the same?
You admit that Luffy did not solo Kaido so why does this question then insinuate that he did?
If BM got the same treatment as Kaido the outcome would be more or less similar.
Kaido did not get defeated by Luffy. He got thrown into magma. By Luffy.
Its like saying you killed an elephant with your bare hands because you gave it a slight push when it stood at the edge of a cliff.
The impact killed it. Not the push.
Can Law and Kidd throw a Yonko into magma? Apparently so.
Could they do it to Kaido like the did with BM? Why not, lol.

Both Yonko defeats in Wano were deliberately made ambiguous. And both defeats were PiS + plot convenience.
"and then its like Issho never tried and Sabo totally completely struggled for real like it was in my mind and also in reality and then Kuzan came and also Doffy had plenty of time to waste on another 10d battle and he pussied out and thats also not just in my head and was also very real and my post makes sense and its not biased selective reading paired with headcanon"

jfc delete your account already
Uh huh. You done doing tricks on it yet?


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Luffy would absolutely destroy Burgess

Even Current Burgess would have a difficult time with Dressrosa Luffy

Sabo should have no problems dealing with Doffy, Doffys biggest strength is his incredible endurance he can take powerful punches and keep trucking

But can he take a full powered fire fist to the face? Idk

Mr. Reloaded

Professional backstabber
Sabo beats Doffy
Luffy outright kills Burgess lmao

In terms of Luffy vs Linlin and Kid and Law vs Kaido

Luffy with all of his current abilities definitely beats her, especially due to her incompetency. Hard to say the same with Kid and Law though.
Sabo beats Doffy
Luffy outright kills Burgess lmao

In terms of Luffy vs Linlin and Kid and Law vs Kaido

Luffy with all of his current abilities definitely beats her, especially due to her incompetency. Hard to say the same with Kid and Law though.
Agreed, Kaido is a damn behemoth, also remember that he confronted the 3 guys of the worstgen, Idk where Apoo and Hakiwns went but Kaido made Kidd his Bih..

This scene never gets old, enraged sad drunk Kaido vents his rage on his subordinates and yells at half-dead Kidd LMAO

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doffy yc3 ..
dont piss me off
DR Sabo is YC1 level. Doffy is YC3 level. Sabo mid diffs his ass.

Also, wouldn’t Law be helping Sabo in this scenario?
Yes, Doffy is either end tier YC3 or actually YC2 like Ace, I wouldn't say he's YC3, IMO he's YC2, and for Sabo, he's end tier YC1+, you guys wouldn't think Doffy extreme diffs Ace, casuals will say "Fire will burn the strings" like no, don't compare Doffy's strings to normal net/web like Spider-Man, Doffy's strings are stronger than steel.
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"and then its like Issho never tried and Sabo totally completely struggled for real like it was in my mind and also in reality and then Kuzan came and also Doffy had plenty of time to waste on another 10d battle and he pussied out and thats also not just in my head and was also very real and my post makes sense and its not biased selective reading paired with headcanon"

jfc delete your account already

Burgess in DR was a joke. Luffy would have wrecked him with slightly more effort than Sabo.
Sabo vs Doffy could go either way if we leave out Law. Lets assume the situation is the same.
Sabo struggles way less than Luffy vs post-GK Doffy.

You admit that Luffy did not solo Kaido so why does this question then insinuate that he did?
If BM got the same treatment as Kaido the outcome would be more or less similar.
Kaido did not get defeated by Luffy. He got thrown into magma. By Luffy.
Its like saying you killed an elephant with your bare hands because you gave it a slight push when it stood at the edge of a cliff.
The impact killed it. Not the push.
Can Law and Kidd throw a Yonko into magma? Apparently so.
Could they do it to Kaido like the did with BM? Why not, lol.

Both Yonko defeats in Wano were deliberately made ambiguous. And both defeats were PiS + plot convenience.

Question: What is abbreviation of GK Doffy? also you said he was thrown into magma by Luffy, well if Kaido wasn't drilled all the way down to the magma and let's say instead of Luffy punching him down and if the Bajrang Gun happened in the horizontal direction (like when Luffy beat Cracker) instead of vertical which led to Kaido going down like he did to Doffy or Shiki, how much of percentage Kaido would regain his consciousness tho? Kaido was KO'd out-cold by Luffy's Bajrang gun that he returned from Azure Dragon form to his giant human form while he was getting drilled all the way down.
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