General & Others Zorostans really do feel obsessed with the need to try and slander Sanji

they have always started shit with Sanji fans then turn around and act like it's Sanji fans who start shit when they retaliate.

or when they over hype Zoro and someone refutes that they act like its bashing

they have always tried to downplay Sanji and his opponents refusing to accept that Sanji and Zoro have and always will be close in strength
dressrosa Zoro extreme diffs dressrosa sanji

post wano Zoro and Sanji are close in strength it doesn't having adv coc doesn't automatically put you way above anyone who doesn't have it

post wano Zoro extreme diffs post wano Sanji

( adv coc doesn't change that for it only matters if you hit and sanji is way faster then zoro
Zoro has adv coc Sanji has his own version of awakening

( and going but kaido said wont refute this statement

eos Zoro and sanji are close in strength
it doesn't matter that Sanji doesn't have a dream reliant on strength

Zoro and Sanji being close in strength didn't change after the timeskip

seriously there is some really weird logic when they try to argue that Sanji getting the worf effect and losing t odoffy etc somehow put him below Zoro just because Zoro didn't get a tough fight till wano.

Zoro didn't show anything in dressrosa that said he would have done better ( Zoro and Sanji both got stronger after dressrosa this happens all the time they get stronger after each arc the but training or but the time is irrelevant)

oda being willing to put Sanji in positions where he doesn't look cool aren't refutations to the fact they are close in strength.

egghead island Zoro wouldn't have done better.

what Zoro did against Venus isn't any different then what sani did except Zoro focused on his strength while Sanji focused on speed ( Venus noticed Zoro and turned to block while Sanji landed a hit ( and going but bonney helped him when he got bit is not a refutations and bonneys age is irrelevant)

but Sanji got hit by Saturn's eye attack which drew blood against g5 Luffy while he wasn't using exoskeleton and he just got knocked down ( it was Saturn's paralyzing trick which stopped Sanji.

not t o mention they seem to think things are shameful when they aren't like Sanji calling for robins help which shows character growth he is willing to ask for help when he needs it which shows his growth from enies lobby when he knew he couldn't fight kalifa but stayed there instead of asking for help.
( some guy tried to claim that if nami was in danger from a woman he wouldn't help her which is dumb he doesn't need to hit a woman to save nami from one .

their logic is since oda is willing to put Sanji in bad looking situations that somehow put Zoro way above him when it doesn't Zoro never had a feat that showed that while Luffy has had tons of feats which puts him way above Zoro.

Zoro being on the rooftop is irrelvant he got kicked off it and had an ultra Regen drug to then fight king who is relative to queen ( Sanji outstat king in every category besides durability ( Sanji would be able to beat him just by waiting for when he turns the flames off ( Lucci himself pointed out that the trick will allow them to make headway so you can't go he can just not turn his flames off ( even if that was a thing Sanji is still close to Zoro in strength

it was kid and law and Luffy who fought the yonko in the end showing Zoro wasn't at that level.
rooftop fight started off as a worst gen fight ( zoros weaponry allowed him to held off the attack for a second before law saved him ( and pointing out that law saved him from tanking the combined attack isn't downplay nor is pointing out that Zoro held it off with his swords for a second isn't downplay

one thing they try to mark their desperation is repeatedly deny the parallels and narrative support that shows them as close in strength by going but they are just standing together

it goes to more then just power scaling they try to insult his very character like recently claiming Sanji wants to own slaves by using a pic of Sanji wanting to free a slave

they act like that refutations is just desperate one when no they lack reading comprehension if they try to use that panel as hi mwanting to own slaves

or they claim he is a pedo when he isn't

they have to take things out of context ot try to use a picture of him being attracted to a legal adult ( pudding ) as him being a pedo)

or claim he betrayed Luffy in wci when he was protecting them ( he didn't lack faith in luffys strength Zoro himself pointed out that they couldn't fight two yonko at the same time and Luffy wouldn't have been able to protectzeff.)

Sanji has all the traits of a conqueror white beard didn't want to conquer anything so there is no reasonable refuation to saying Sanji cant have conquerors

zorostans loved to claim Zoro would have it because rayleigh had it so you u cant refute the statement.

and no Zoro getting a fight with Lucci ( who Luffy stomped and destroyed ) while Sanji didn't get a 1v1 fight like that is irrelevant

that argument is desperation

( also zorostans have outright ignored the difference between blunt attacks and blades to try and over hype Zoro and downplay Luffy or Sanji or made other out of context claims ( like bringing a picture of Lucci right after his fight with Zoro and a picture of Lucci sometime after his fight with Luffy (when he is an awakened zoan and would heal from the blunt attacks Luffy put him through)

or going but Sanji needed more hits to take down queen ( who is a brachiosaurus and is quite tanky or not t o mention trying to downplay queen and Sanji speed by trying to claim Sanji was invisible only to queen ( when besides the fact oda himself said it was him turning invisible through speed queen had no problem keeping track of Marco and king ) claiming queen being fat means he wouldn't know about speed which is an idiotic take queen being fat has nothing to do with his speed or being able to keep track of an opponent ( Zoro was held back dealing with enma while Sanji had to deal with an emotional crisis hindering his performance.

when you fight with a sword you will need land less hits then a guy kicking would .
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Because trashing others gives higher excitement than just wanking your favorites.

Wank fav = 100 feels good point
Trash other = 100 feels good point

Wank fav & trash other > Only wank fav
Sanji stans should thank Zoro, because Zoro is the only reason why Sanji is relevant and stays relevant in the first place
Remove Sanji's strength & powerlevel stuff, he still have other plot relevancy / game changer.

The bigger ones like Mr Prince trickery, Arc Maxim sabotage, Gate of Justice blockage, Momo execution. The smaller ones like Mr 2, Duval, Viola, Germa.

In fact, if Oda deletes all of nakama's 1vs1 winning, Sanji still has the highest story impact among them.
I used to be a Sanji fan but not no more... Egghead ended it. Why can't Sanji be serious and badass like Zoro? Why is he still a useless unserious gag most the time? Why does TOEI have it out for him so badly?!

He should have kept the Raid Suit and turned evil.