Polar this game
>Survived a kill from fuji gun
>Survived a super kill
>is an allegedly a miller cop and at this point it's actually impossible to have another miller beside Ultra
>Lied about pot shooting me and fuji talking about it for days, back tracked when pot asked him for reciepts, just desperate attempt at painting me mafia here
>Apparently he has a passive that helps him tank kills
>Was in the 5 player gun game last DP and white death is 100% in that list.
>Faked and played theatre that he is going to die, and then acted surprised that he survived when he was about to shoot himself.
>Lied about me and kiku voting for alwaysmind last DP, we never did. That was a sad attempt to get into AM good graces.
>Ignored almost if not all the points directed at him this DP, because he knows he is cooked.
>Ignores the fact that my abilities are confirmed, my watcher abilities and my neighbor ability, white death does not have those kind of abilities, if you do a quick google you would see I do not fit the character
>Ignores the fact that I was literally been setup for a mislynch last DP, like it's extremely obvious. If I am scum, I have to be brain dead to suicide and force a lynch on myself.
>Lied about me pocketing him regarding ekko when it was vice versa, I never once mentioned polar in my exchange with ekko, while polar publicly announcned to the world that he 'Agreed with everything i said regarding ekko'. Just lies on top of lies.
>If he thinks kiku who I think it is, the fact that he is going for me here instead of her and acting ignorant to the flavor now is some next level desperation to survive. The dude is just scum who got caught, got utterly destroyed in the back and forth and just spewing complete nonsense.