Regents vs Zahard Princess

--Now that we have at least an idea of how powerful regents can be , do most zahard princess hold a candle to them? Adori and Enne zahard are obvious exceptions enne being born from two irregulars?

--Current dumas alone can beat characters like maschenny and yuri combined by his own.


@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Dream @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Haoshoku @Marimo_420 @Medeia @Foul Legacy etc
Nah, i think on average they do not.
Like you said, with the obvious exception or Adori ane Enne I think on average they might not be on par with freaks like Dumas.

But immediately after this is a large gap, so it's more like an extreme low followed by an extreme high for the princesses in terms of strength.
The only High Ranker Princesses we've seen in action are Yuri, Garam, and Maschenny. None of them has been seen pushed to their limits, so it's hard to say.

Even taking Yuri's most prominent hype and feats, I don't think one can argue her being more than CC Tier as of now. Dumas crushes her easily, at least as far as we've seen.

From Garam, we have Hockney's statement that she might be the strongest person he's ever seen. Considering he already met the likes of Yuri, then one could argue Garam is stronger than her. Aside from that, she was portrayed to be decisively weaker than Hell Joe even before the Zero Area, who I'm afraid is completely unscalable. I don't think Garam is weaker than CCs, but really, her place in the power-scale is anyone's guess.

Maschenny wasn't depicted as stronger than Jinsung in the little skirmish they had. Nonetheless, I believe Masch still has a fuckton to show, based on what her Data self was pulling at the HF. I think it's quite likely she ends up being above CC Tier, but again, her actual placement is anyone's guess as well.

On the other hand, based on Dumas' feats and portrayal, he's leagues above CC Tier. He doesn't need to fight properly to crush one. The gap is kinda huge.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
--Now that we have at least an idea of how powerful regents can be , do most zahard princess hold a candle to them? Adori and Enne zahard are obvious exceptions enne being born from two irregulars?

--Current dumas alone can beat characters like maschenny and yuri combined by his own.


@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Dream @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Haoshoku @Marimo_420 @Medeia @Foul Legacy etc
Maschenny > Tiara ~ Dumas.

No I will not elaborate.