Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1123 Spoilers Discussion

Was Sanji mentally nerfed in Egghead?

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Mihawk ain't HIM. Neither is Nusjuro the Jobberosei

If you want to wank future Zoro's most intense, dangerous, bloody, life and death fight
The answer is Shiryu of The Rain.
Bruh... Mihawk ran from fodder marines
That's closer context with what Whitebeard did

Kaido decisively wanted to meet Whitebeard in Marineford but changed his plan after meeting Shanks on the way
Same Shanks that he puts in his top 5
Conclusion: he got wifi diffed. Shanks already confirmed can wifi diff another Top Tier too
This is so fucking stupid bro no offense
Fighting Shanks would be exhausting, no matter if he won or not. He would be too exhausted to get to Marineford. Thus there was no point in it. Plus it was only Kaido and King vs Shanks and all his goons.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
The difference in Portrayal between Mihawk and Shanks is staggering. It's like night and day. Does anybody in the verse care about Mihawk other then Zoro?
"Vista! Go handle Mihawk!"

"Damnnn his haki might just be stronger then Og too 1 in history!" :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
Yes one is the strongest swordman and the other not:milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:
This is so fucking stupid bro no offense
Fighting Shanks would be exhausting, no matter if he won or not. He would be too exhausted to get to Marineford. Thus there was no point in it. Plus it was only Kaido and King vs Shanks and all his goons.
You are fucking stupid no offense you sound almost as stupid as Yamato
Why is the one sent home is Kaido and not Shanks?
Why is Shanks came to Marineford without any visible injury?
Why is Shanks included in Kaido Top 5 while the version that Kaido met in God Valley was baby Shanks?

Answer: he got wifi diffed by Shanks' CoC 2 years ago. That answers all above questions perfectly.
Shanks tamed him.
The difference in Portrayal between Mihawk and Shanks is staggering. It's like night and day. Does anybody in the verse care about Mihawk other then Zoro?
"Vista! Go handle Mihawk!"

"Damnnn Og too 1 in history haki might just be stronger then shanks!" :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
BRUH ...
  1. Casual swing a cloned Mihawk knocked YonkoGodBlackBeard into a mountain and sweating and struggling
  2. A stronger version of that Clone clashed with casual Zoro and pushed each other back
  3. Zoro states that Clone is no-where near Mihawk
What amazing stuff has boldie done
Speedblitz pacifista mk3 on the entire island in 10secs vs not bring able to kill Pre ts near dead exhausted luffy after multiple attacks

Let's postpone Vista vs biting Sanji and being able to do damage to a higher yonko commander yc5 V yc2 then there's Mihawk just sweating at fighting yonkos at least Gandhi has aura even if he got WiFi diffed 😂
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