Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1123 Spoilers Discussion

Was Sanji mentally nerfed in Egghead?

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Kaidou and then proceeds to say no one can fight him, I thought Shanks was his top 5, I guess that wasn't top 5 strongest but top 5 Kaidou respected huh
So you admit kaido is above Mihawk too?

Kaido was getting his shit kicked in by condom boy when he thought that no one can fight him lmao

He literally thought that as a self hype cause he was getting trashed. Poor kaido was using self reassurance to gain some confidence back after getting used as a jump rope by condom boy.

where does it ever say those 5 are the strongest Kaidou knows because you seem to be pushing that agenda an agenda this very statement calls B.S on Kaidou:
Because kaido respects strength and those are the people he has fought?

Kaido thinking he's strongest doesn't mean shit lol. But him thinking of people that has defeated him in the past, and putting shanks there actually does.

We have actually seen kaido beaten. So it's the "no one can fight me" statement that's invalid because of his top 5.

those 5 were never about strenth but respect, if it was about strength is you wrongly assumed then were is Garp? Mihawk? Sengoku? and Linlin who had just fought Kaidou to a draw?
Kaido respects strength and strength alone lmao

His crew is literally a meritocracy.

He literally glazes roger and wb constantly while he's fighting condom boy.

It's the mihawk fans who has to answer why kaido didn't respect mihawk lol. It's on yall to explain.
They are forgetting that Shanks never even needed to fight to make an impactful scene. For the longest time, the closest thing we got of a combat feat was him splitting the skies with WB.

They erased the memory of Mihawk going full acrobatic circus freak trying to catch Luffy, and getting stopped by Croc and Wista. Cutting up some ice was a pretty good feat though, prime Chinjao levels of hype as we found out later during Dressrosa.
I have Mihawk > Shanks, the problem with the clientele here on WG is its a zoro nest so they try to elevate Mihawk to something he isn't
Insane waffle to say "we never seen anything from MIhawk", especially in contrast to shanks


Lead them to paradise.
top 5 are just characters Kaidou respects not characters he things are the strongest, he even wondered if Luffy was going to be as great as them not as strong as them
Youre like a broken record man, I literally told you that just before he named those 5 he said that those are people that can fight him.


The only one who can beat me is me
But Mihawk forged a black blade, it means his CoC must be better, right?


God forbid we see a close up of Greenbull's black blade. It will be history's greatest collapse of a fandom.
It's not even that Shanks is the first to do things.

It's also the fact that we saw every single Yonkou fight and get dedicated arcs, and it took Shanks the first fucking swing of his blade to do something they don't do. Everyone passing out as a collateral from his haki leak.

And then as to double down, we got another CoC user in Garp immediately fight after Shanks, and Oda still refused to draw him knocking people out by the collateral of his physical attack. So even the excuse that Shanks simply got the latest feat doesn't work, he's simply made to stand out here.
Blackbeard looking at everyone hyping Shanks for him

I like BB but we all know he wont fight them until he gains a clear advantage over RHP. As we have seen he wont fancy losing military power when Kuzan froze his crew he was calculating the risks what would have happened if he used his gura powers then and there.

Either after he gets Pluton, or Seraphims from Devon or both, or some other underhanded means using Garp and Cross Guilt or Marines, only then I see him go to war against RHP.

Maybe he beats Shanks in a 1v1 who knows but not that likely either.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I proved it...

Shanks saying settle literally only means two things.

Either shanks won. Or they drew.

Now prove mihawk won.
It doesn't I already debunked this

Mihawk beating shanks ass and walking away leaves the fight unsettled

And also makes his 1 armed has been point stand

Your dumbass scenario doesn't.
Mihawk is the WSS. That title does hold weight, and to say Vista clashing with him makes him weak isn’t how you should view that. It should make you understand how strong WBs crew was and how there confidence in there chances to save Ace was warranted.

So you admit kaido is above Mihawk too?

Kaido was getting his shit kicked in by condom boy when he thought that no one can fight him lmao

He literally thought that as a self hype cause he was getting trashed. Poor kaido was using self reassurance to gain some confidence back after getting used as a jump rope by condom boy.

Because kaido respects strength and those are the people he has fought?

Kaido thinking he's strongest doesn't mean shit lol. But him thinking of people that has defeated him in the past, and putting shanks there actually does.

We have actually seen kaido beaten. So it's the "no one can fight me" statement that's invalid because of his top 5.

Kaido respects strength and strength alone lmao

His crew is literally a meritocracy.

He literally glazes roger and wb constantly while he's fighting condom boy.

It's the mihawk fans who has to answer why kaido didn't respect mihawk lol. It's on yall to explain.
TBF in gods valley he faced off with Roger and Garp, and knowing Garp isn’t a slouch being close to Roger in terms of strength the only explanation is he doesn’t respect people who work for the government. Mihawk “serving” the government as a warlord could be the reason.
Was vista stronger than shanks dumbass
But the quote you quoted says he fought EVERYONE until nobody was left...

He clearly respects Wista a lot. And that's current mihawk. Not even past mihawk who was yc level.

So why did he not beat wista?

He is waiting right now after beating everyone. That's what your little quote means. Yet we literally have proof that he didn't beat shit. Wista and the respect he gets from mihawk is walking proof of that

We don't know until we see mihawks flashback

Finally something truthful and logical out of your mouth.

All of mihawk's hype comes from the fact that he fought a yc level shanks 12 years before the main story. There is no proof of him fighting anyone else stronger than that.

So shut the fuck up about some vague-ass databook statement that's basically flavor text to sell supplementary material lmao

Until mihawk shows SOMETHING in the current story, or flashback like you said, yall don't have SHIT.
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