AL sama

Red Haired
I have no issue with this, it's MUCH better than using the category 'woman' for both born women and trans women because it would be inaccurate.
The cis-prefix is not unlike the word 'bio bike'. Idk if the English language uses it too but in German the bio prefix arose as a response to the increasing number of e-bikes in order to specify a bicycle as human-only powered.
It's a normal linguistic process.
not surprising coming from you


Let the Past Die
We actually live in a world where using elementary level grammar correctly gets more flame and attention than someone getting physically beaten for their identity.
that's not that crazy

the assault happened to individual people

changing the language happens to everyone at the same time

of course people will talk more about the latter

it's a matter of reach

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
that's not that crazy

the assault happened to individual people

changing the language happens to everyone at the same time

of course people will talk more about the latter

it's a matter of reach
It's was more of a general statement. Those who claim to be one right of history do say and do nothing about state level legislations that is slowly eroding rights of adult trans people, but goes on a tirade about how basic grammar and definitions are so destructive.

AL sama

Red Haired
We actually live in a world where using elementary level grammar correctly gets more flame and attention than someone getting physically beaten for their identity.
if I m a disabled person and someone calls me that without any bad intent then I have no reason to feel offended

if anything I'd be making myself look like a clown if I get offended
it's not just here

it's everywhere what you are getting from WorstGen users

is the perspective that most random people on the street have of the left right now

It's what people can see in the deforming mirror hold the right (liberals, republicans, the alt right etc.)

Sadly.... Most people prefer to see watch the light of this deforming mirror rather than the actual reality.
it's not just here

it's everywhere

what you are getting from WorstGen users

is the perspective that most random people on the street have of the left right now
The "left" don't exist for the most part in most Western nations. We got smug, nitpicky, keyboard pronoun warriors and controlled opposition that are basically just neo-liberals that talk about crap the vast majority of people don't care for.
The "left" don't exist for the most part in most Western nations. We got smug, nitpicky keyboard pronoun warriors and controlled opposition that are basically just neo-liberals that talk about crap the vast majority of people don't care for.
I think France and Spain are the only place were the left is still strong. Other than that.. All leftists in the world are invisibilized.

This does not mean that there are not leftists people in the world, just that systems are so rigged, the opposition so strong and sometimes conservatist so oppressive that it makes it almost impossible to create real leftist party.

The US are a big example of that.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
all this language stuff that the left is obsessed with just reminds me of this:

I was literally watching that an hour ago lmao. George Carline is a genius when it comes to society and common sense.

The "left" don't exist for the most part in most Western nations. We got smug, nitpicky, keyboard pronoun warriors and controlled opposition that are basically just neo-liberals that talk about crap the vast majority of people don't care for.
This is what lots of don't people don't get. Lots of people who call themselves leftist aren't even left. Dictating what people can or can't say using fear of unreasonable consequence? How very North Korea of them.
It's was more of a general statement. Those who claim to be one right of history do say and do nothing about state level legislations that is slowly eroding rights of adult trans people, but goes on a tirade about how basic grammar and definitions are so destructive.
do you live under a rock? pretty sure I've heard the term trans genocide regarding some laws being passed more than dumb pronoun talk

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
do you live under a rock? pretty sure I've heard the term trans genocide regarding some laws being passed more than dumb pronoun talk
Do you always speak before thinking? It's clearly mocking those who only care about pronouns instead of legislation. And pronoun talk is way more popular and mainstream.