When this will end fr?




Imagine living their lives? people who feel this, you will all feel embarrassed for this, like, the oppressed side, for how long are we gonna keep fighting for them through our phones? are we gonna free the occupied land by our phones? you don't think God could hold us accountable for that when an annihilation was happening, the world was silent back then?
I feel also powerless in front of this situation. But do not lose hope ! There are still ways that you can do something to make thing changes

- Pressure your local deputee on social medias
- Share the informations on the atrocities as much as you can
- Share the funds to help people get out : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...Xrz1bB3MFk7BlzCwfugh4259Wh7U1s/htmlview?pli=1
- Protest and demonstrate if you can
- Vote for those who want to do something about it
- Boycott product of labels that participate in this massacre

This is not much, but it's best than nothing. Sadly, those who can do something are not moving for now. So we can only apply some pressure.
I feel also powerless in front of this situation. But do not lose hope ! There are still ways that you can do something to make thing changes

- Pressure your local deputee on social medias
- Share the informations on the atrocities as much as you can
- Share the funds to help people get out : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...Xrz1bB3MFk7BlzCwfugh4259Wh7U1s/htmlview?pli=1
- Protest and demonstrate if you can
- Vote for those who want to do something about it
- Boycott product of labels that participate in this massacre

This is not much, but it's best than nothing. Sadly, those who can do something are not moving for now. So we can only apply some pressure.
Thanks a lot, my friend, I owe you one, may God make the scales of your good deeds heavier, and like how the verse says:

"So as for those whose scale is heavy ˹with good deeds˺ they will be in a life of bliss" 101:6-7

I pray your life be full of blessings, in this life and afterlife, and once again, Thank you and God bless.
Thanks a lot, my friend, I owe you one, may God make the scales of your good deeds heavier, and like how the verse says:

"So as for those whose scale is heavy ˹with good deeds˺ they will be in a life of bliss" 101:6-7

I pray your life be full of blessings, in this life and afterlife, and once again, Thank you and God bless.
Thanks mate

Same for you




Imagine living their lives? people who feel this, you will all feel embarrassed for this, like, the oppressed side, for how long are we gonna keep fighting for them through our phones? are we gonna free the occupied land by our phones? you don't think God could hold us accountable for that when an annihilation was happening, the world was silent back then?
The Israeli Terrorist Army has free reign and a surpluss of weaponry they get for free to kill off as many children as possible in their genocide.

It'll end only if they get bored of it or they have to focus on another front with their full force.
The Israeli Terrorist Army has free reign and a surpluss of weaponry they get for free to kill off as many children as possible in their genocide.

It'll end only if they get bored of it or they have to focus on another front with their full force.
Meanwhile my country is a mass murderer if we don't allow any and every IDless immigrant to enter at the border.
It will end when the United States is incapable of defending Israel anymore. The unconditional backing from the USA is the only reason Israel gets away with its absolute bullshit. If any other comparatively sized nation did what Israel does on the regular, said nation would have been destroyed by its neighbours years ago for its hyper aggressiveness.

Nobody would tolerate the likes of El Salvador slaughtering its highest minority population, invading and occupying the territories of all of its neighbours over the years and then topping all of that off with semi-regular bombing runs on their neighbours' capital cities and civilian airports. El Salvador would have been destroyed and occupied for such consistently belligerent behaviour in that scenario.

Israel is a nation that has rarely had to deal with the consequences of its actions or choices because Uncle Sam is always going to bail its troublesome arse out no matter how much of a pickle it gets itself into due to its own arrogant hubris.

The moment it becomes clear that the US cannot defend Israel, Israel gets dogpiled by all the nearby nations it has spent the best part of a century pissing off.
You can’t lose hope when even the people directly facing the disaster are remaining humble and grateful despite losing everything. It’s sad but we have to do what we can do and not give up.

It will end when the United States is incapable of defending Israel anymore. The unconditional backing from the USA is the only reason Israel gets away with its absolute bullshit. If any other comparatively sized nation did what Israel does on the regular, said nation would have been destroyed by its neighbours years ago for its hyper aggressiveness.

Nobody would tolerate the likes of El Salvador slaughtering its highest minority population, invading and occupying the territories of all of its neighbours over the years and then topping all of that off with semi-regular bombing runs on their neighbours' capital cities and civilian airports. El Salvador would have been destroyed and occupied for such consistently belligerent behaviour in that scenario.

Israel is a nation that has rarely had to deal with the consequences of its actions or choices because Uncle Sam is always going to bail its troublesome arse out no matter how much of a pickle it gets itself into due to its own arrogant hubris.

The moment it becomes clear that the US cannot defend Israel, Israel gets dogpiled by all the nearby nations it has spent the best part of a century pissing off.
This is precisely why they’ve already failed right now. 10+ months of so called fighting and Hamas is still able to fire rockets and fight back. The Iranian backed groups are not even attacking them like that and yet they still need billions of dollars in weapons just to keep the genocide going. Speaking of Iran, just look at how much the US is scrambling and relocating its warships and air force at the simple warning of an attack. And this is just Iran and its proxies. The US is already struggling to keep things at bay because of other issues like the Ukraine war. Other powers like Russia and China are getting bolder with their tactics, things won’t be able to maintain themselves in favor of the Zionist state for much longer. They already failed the moment they thought they could carve out a space in the Middle East via brutal colonization. It basically boils down to this and the fact that the Middle East is largely divided with all sorts of factions today. The early Zionists tried to get to Palestine when it was under the Ottoman Empire but the Ottomans foiled it on the spot. One reason why Netanyahu always talks about Iran is because one thing they have done is make a unified front of largely Shia forces in opposition whilst arming them to the teeth.

More can be said but it’s really only a matter of time at this point. Netanyahu and his party were already facing the prospects of ‘civil war‘ before Oct 7:
I don't know either.....

Anyway, i think we're in a time of wait & see - of the retaliation from the Axis of Resistance, and the response from i*rael & US.
The i*raeli pm clearly wants a regional war, and i believe any retaliation from Hezbollah & Iran etc. Will be used as the pretext to start it.

If we have a regional war then i can only hope that these pathetic regimes will be toppled off, any of them will be a good start ( Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, UAE ), the level of anger must be enormous in those countries, especially maybe in the middle 2 ( Egypt & Jordan ).
Sisi & the King of Jordan should be replaced by leaders who're willing to help the Palestinians militarily, follow the people of Bangladesh.

Other than that, hopefully Algeria & Turkey finally will take actions.
If the 2 countries where i have ancestries from ( Indonesia & probably Pakistan ) also participate, i'll be proud as hell.

Even if i get nuked, fuck it, i've had enough of seeing injustices done to Palestinians, as someone who been watching Abby Martin documentaries long before Oct 7.
You can’t lose hope when even the people directly facing the disaster are remaining humble and grateful despite losing everything. It’s sad but we have to do what we can do and not give up.

This is precisely why they’ve already failed right now. 10+ months of so called fighting and Hamas is still able to fire rockets and fight back. The Iranian backed groups are not even attacking them like that and yet they still need billions of dollars in weapons just to keep the genocide going. Speaking of Iran, just look at how much the US is scrambling and relocating its warships and air force at the simple warning of an attack. And this is just Iran and its proxies. The US is already struggling to keep things at bay because of other issues like the Ukraine war. Other powers like Russia and China are getting bolder with their tactics, things won’t be able to maintain themselves in favor of the Zionist state for much longer. They already failed the moment they thought they could carve out a space in the Middle East via brutal colonization. It basically boils down to this and the fact that the Middle East is largely divided with all sorts of factions today. The early Zionists tried to get to Palestine when it was under the Ottoman Empire but the Ottomans foiled it on the spot. One reason why Netanyahu always talks about Iran is because one thing they have done is make a unified front of largely Shia forces in opposition whilst arming them to the teeth.

More can be said but it’s really only a matter of time at this point. Netanyahu and his party were already facing the prospects of ‘civil war‘ before Oct 7:
Israeli media is lying to all of you
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