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@The Orca
@Mr. Reloaded
@Random Asshole
@Red Night
@Polar Bear

these elitist clowns are always looking down on us... policy lynching us, calling us things like "low-hanging fruits" and "easy to convince" and much more
they even got rid of our friend minamoto... before the game even started.
it's time we prove ourselves and show that we too can lead town, that we can become MVPs!
we need to fight back! and in order to do that, you all need to vote for me so i can represent you in the night council
vote council saber
i knew this kid was going to annoy me...
She and I think we played a game before. I’m alright.

Why do you call them cheaters?
On going drama that I thought the little children were past lol

Bc they called me a cheater and banned me from the other site and then despite the ample evidence proving them liars and the fact that I went into this game open minded and ready for fun. They come out with the same old cheater line.

A guy can only take so much of the lies before he snaps and pushes back.

Thats why ultra and anyone else voting Orca is voting for him. Just a policy lynch from scared cowards.

Flower lynched me in the small game before this d1 bc of the same crap, you'd think she was better than them, maybe one day.

Oh damn you are a she. Sorry about that. You can be queen for a day for my screw up.

Vote council Zemmi

On going drama that I thought the little children were past lol

Bc they called me a cheater and banned me from the other site and then despite the ample evidence proving them liars and the fact that I went into this game open minded and ready for fun. They come out with the same old cheater line.

A guy can only take so much of the lies before he snaps and pushes back.

Thats why ultra and anyone else voting Orca is voting for him. Just a policy lynch from scared cowards.

Flower lynched me in the small game before this d1 bc of the same crap, you'd think she was better than them, maybe one day.

Oh damn you are a she. Sorry about that. You can be queen for a day for my screw up.

Vote council Zemmi

Why does it make me a cheater that you and orca got banned for being cheaters

In any case Orca's entrance was kinda scummy. You might be scummier though


@Councilman TheAncientCenturion is just a corrupt administrator with close ties to the mods and other important players in this section
he doesn't care about us so-called 'LHFs'; he would ban us all if they weren't in dire need of players for the mafia games.
just look at what happened to our grandmaster, FINALBETA.... he met his gruesome demise in this section at TAC hands

i was unintersted in council until this ningen worshipped betatier.

please vote me for council to oppose this low hanging fruit.​

Game Type: Super Role Madness

Hosts: @Fujishiro and @Dr_Professor83

Starting Date: August 18th 9PM EST

Players: 50

Player List:

Gamestyle -

-Traditional Setup - This game will prominently feature an uninformed majority against an informed minority.

-Closed Setup - No information about the setup will be available before the end of the game.

-Bastardish Mechanics - This game will feature some mechanics that may be considered bastardish.

-Closed Communication - After reception of their role PM, players will not be allowed to discuss it outside of the game thread or during Night phases, except as specifically dictated in individual Role PMs.

-Open Claiming - This game will feature restrictions on neither role claiming nor character claiming, except as specifically dictated in individual Role PMs. That being said, I heavily advise against it.

-Day Start - This game will begin with a Day phase. The first days will be 48 hours, afterwards I will change the duration of the day as I see fit.
-Plurality Lynch - The player with the highest amount of votes each phase will be lynched. No lynch is an option.

-Quasi-Dusk - In this game, each Day phase will officially end as soon as the 48/24 hours deadline is reached. A Dusk phase will not be officially recognized, and players may continue discussing in the game thread until the next Night phase begins, however day actions and voting sent after the Day phase has ended but before the next Night phase has begun will be ignored. This also applies for the transition from night to day, as I will need to write a start of day write up.

Phase Length - The game is divided into cycles. Each cycle consist of 2 phases, a day phase and a night phase. Each night phase will last 24 hours.

Rules -

-Do not, under any circumstances, reveal any information to any player regarding this game if you are no longer alive.

-Do not quote Private Messages from us; paraphrase. And no, replacing second-person pronouns with first-person pronouns does not count as paraphrasing.

-Do not edit your posts; double post if necessary. Failure to comply will results in severe punishment. If a player is abusing this rule, they will be mod-killed. Take this as your only warning.

-Vote towards a lynch by typing Vote lynch <name>, where <name> is the name of the player you are voting for. You do not need to type Unvote, or [Change] alongside a newer vote. We will always accept votes even with a wrong format, however it is not our responsibility if we miss them by mistake. Failure to vote results in nothing but shame.

-You must post at least 10 times per day phase. Failure to comply will result in a warning and a mod-block at the first offence. A second failure will result in a forced substitution or mod-kill. If you think you might not be able to meet the requirement at any given phase, let us know in advance and you will not be affected by the repercussions. Note that posts made for the sole purpose of meeting this requirement will not be considered.

-If you believe that I have made a mistake, please address the issue with me via Private message. Save any other comments for after the game.


You are X
You have X
Is there gonna be 4 different wolf factions again closed setups suck sad
oh well, don't know what i signed up for

Hi hello i'm here, hopefully post better than last game (i was traveling the entire time so maybe this time lt gets better)
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