Yea, after this hint i am like : 40% we are still at Egghead - we may not see the Straw Hats, but that doesn't mean we can't still keep an eye on what's happening at Egghead - i think there are still some open plots:
- first of all - Mother Flame just stayed there and what?
- the "cloud machine" was mentioned only to be left and destroyed?
- why and how Saturn stayed on the island?
- Kaku, Stussy, Luci ?!?!?
- and it would be good to see what happens next with the island? - the whole thing burned down? and that's it?

- first of all - Mother Flame just stayed there and what?
- the "cloud machine" was mentioned only to be left and destroyed?
- why and how Saturn stayed on the island?
- Kaku, Stussy, Luci ?!?!?
- and it would be good to see what happens next with the island? - the whole thing burned down? and that's it?