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The End and the Beginning
Sorry. I just can’t enjoy this here anymore.

It‘s so frustrating when you just want to chill and help people and then get called a detriment to Town, spiteful (when it isn’t spite and the reasons are valid, what scum hunting is Zem doing like at all?) and your intelligence gets insulted at every turn, too.

Literally they should stop treating me like crap every game.
Flower, step back a second please. Zem, of all people, aren't genuinely trying to spite you. Take the emotions out of it.
Does anyone else read Underworld Broker as something else each time they read it?
Mind elaborating on ur seemingly rolercoaster of emotions?

Sorry. I just can’t enjoy this here anymore.

It‘s so frustrating when you just want to chill and help people and then get called a detriment to Town, spiteful (when it isn’t spite and the reasons are valid, what scum hunting is Zem doing like at all?) and your intelligence gets insulted at every turn, too.

Literally they should stop treating me like crap every game.
Just need to chill, the more u try to convince ppl the less they're gonna try to believe u
I have been. Not too fond of Indigo on play, think Flower is town, Soul has been up and down but I think the speed of his wagon was gross, and some of the players voting him look awful off the back of it. So in totality, dontreally think it's a trifecta that's juicy enough to warrant Day 1 revolving around it.
Well, tbh Indigo only did what Flower asked him to do.

Yes, call it gut read. Same thing when you town read a player with low posts and you brush it off as vibe.

You are making the colleration that i town read him because he is questioning indigio. If anything it just tells me he is using his brain unlike the other sheep who hopped into the wagon and incapable of thinking for themselves lol.
Well, it's also convenient af.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Would you ever put anyone in your town category without info, purely off tonal reads?

I can understand town lean. I can understand something like that. But by giving 5 people that leeway is pretty absurd to me.
sure why not? you gotta start somewhere. pot said these 5 names he's comfortable with as town. it's akin to a strong early town read and in a 50 player game 5 players is very reasonable number of strong early town reads to spot while catching up

it seems to me that you haven't asked pot for the reasoning of his reads either so its a very sloppy scum read
You know what? If you think I am treating you like crap I am legit, sorry. I promised myself coming into this game I wouldn't get ugly with you after the last game.

Me not agreeing with you doesn't mean I'm treating you like crap. It means we have a different opinion of what we would do. You take things too personally.

Me or anyone else not believing something you or anyone said isn't personal. It's how the game is played.
Zem, I liked playing with you. You know Muugen always pushes me, you know it gets me riled up, you know it makes me feel like crap. Yet you support the guy‘s idiocy when he‘s the last person you should support when it comes to him pushing me. I‘m probably the most obvious Town in the game right now, too. I tried keeping it together, but there are certain triggers you should never pull. It derails the thread. Also I don’t spite play. The only ones who are close to being spite targets for me are Orca and Polar because they are just always obnoxious as hell and even with them I‘m objective.

So are you going to do some scum hunting right now? You can’t deny you‘ve been fairly passive so far.
How is it convenient? That is your own assumptions here. What would it benefit me to say that pot is probably not the way to go?
Town read, not "probably not the way to go". You're main wagon rn, not Pot. How is throwing town read at someone for going after someone who basically wants you lynched convenient?
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